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February 8,1988


Me and the girls were dancing, rehearsing tonight's show. We are still in NYC and I'm so excited to perform for hundreds of people. I was still a little shaken up about what happened few days ago, but I loved the way R. Kelly held me at night. He made me feel safe and warm in his arms.

"Great job girls. Lets take 5 aight." They nodded, then Stacey walked up to me.

"Yo we look hot dancing together, but I'm kinda nervous Liyah." Stacey said.

"Don't be, you're gonna do great aight? Don't sweat it Stace."  I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Too late for that shit." She wiped her forehead, making me laugh. I shook my head walking to my ruffle bag, getting a bottle of water then I felt someone tap me. I turned around and it was Eazy.

"Wassup ?" He rubbed his hands up and down.

"Hey." I said dryly.

"Nice dance moves y'all got."

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes.

"Look Aaliyah cut the bullshit aight. I don't know why your mad, you ain't my women and you with that nigga." He narrowed his eyebrows at me.

"So that's why you pulled that shit in the hotel, to get back at me for dating Kelly? Nigga that's childish."

"I ain't jealous of that nigga. I got needs and that's what's hoes for. What you want me to do Aaliyah ?" He spat.

"Nothing Eric, nothing." I pushed pass him.

"Mann whatever." I heard him say, I rolled eyes and back to my position.

"Yo ok ?" Kim raised an eyebrow.

"Yea I'm good." I mumbled. "In 5, 6, 7, 8." I shouted then we started dancing again.

I gotta focus on this show, not Eric...

2 hours later...

I was in my dressing room getting ready for the show, I put on my LA jacket, black bandana and the only thing I was missing was my "L.I.Y.A.H " belt. I heard the door open, it was Martin. "5 minutes until show time, Ms. Aaliyah."

"Ok." I looked up at him then started looking for my belt. Then I heard a knock at the door.

"What ?!?" I yelled.

"Damn ma, is it a bad time." Kelly walked in and closed the door behind.

I shook my head. "Nah, I'm just looking for my belt."

"Is this it." He head it up.

"Thank you, where was it." I grabbed it and put it one.

"In your bag." He said in a duh tone, I put my hands on my face laughing.

"Come here, baby." He opened his arms to me. I walked over to him and laid my head on his chest.

"Nervous huh ?" I nodded my head. "Don't be ight, we gonna be on stage together. Ok ?" He said softly.

"Okay." I smiled.

"I got you." He pecked my lips softly and I kissed back. "Now let's go." He grabbed my hand and lead me out the room. I see the girls all dressed up looking thuggish like me.

"Y'all ready ?" I asked.

"Hell yeah !" They shouted, while laughing.

I chuckled. "Aight then, go out there with Robert. I'll be there aight." They nodded and Robert gave me a kiss on the cheek. I prayed and took a deep breath. I started walking behind the certain then I heard someone call me. It was the boyz.

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