6.'Just Hangin'

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     Happy Thanksgiving Guys. 🦃

January 12,1988


Jada, Stacey and I pulled up to "Ruthless Records", we got out the car and walked into the lobby and I saw some white old guy getting coffe.

"Wassup, Jerry." Stacey and Jada said to the man.

"Hey girls. Ya'll looking for the fellas ?"He asked.

"Yeah." Stacey answered.

"Oh well, their in the studio. And who is this ?" While looking at me.

"Oh sorry, Aaliyah this is Jerry Heller the Manger for NWA. Jerry this is my sister Aaliyah." She introduce us. I waved.

"Nice too me you, well have a good day ladies."

"You too." We said.

I followed the girls down the hall, to a door that said NWA and we walked in. When we walked in there was mad bitches on each of their laps, it smelled like weed and straight ass.

What the fuck is going on here...

"AALIYAH !" The guys shouted in excitement.

"Wassup big head." Cube said, chuckling.

"Hey lil one." Ren nodded at me.

"Wassup Liyah." Dre winked, playfully.

"What's good baby girl." Yella cheesed.

"Hey Aaliyah." Eazy said while smirking, biting his lip slightly.

I chuckled at their reaction. "Hey guys." The bitches were giving us stank looks.

"Why it smells like ass in here ?" Stacey asked, with a stank face.

"I think I know why." Jada said smirking at the bitches. The guys laughed.

"Excuse me ?!" Some light skinned girl said, sitting next to Eric.

"Your excused." I spat back at her as I rolled my neck.

"Listen here ho-." Cube interrupted her. "Hey shut all that, ya'll hoes gotta get outta here we got company." He said to the bitch. They all sucked their teeth and rolled their eyes while walking out the door. The light skinned kiss E on the cheek and walked passed me.

"Hoe." She said to me.

"Yeah, keep talking that shit on the way out the door, BITCH." I shouted, rolling my eyes in annoyance.

"Dang you just got back and you starting trouble already." Dre said shaking his head.

"Hey, she started it."

"With her stink ass." Jada said. Making us all laugh. we sat down on the couch.

"So this is what ya'll be doing when I'm gone, huh ?" Shaking my head, while smirking at them.

"We just having fun." Ren said smiling.

"Watch yourself Lorenzo." Stacey raised an eyebrow.

"Ha ha, so how was Detroit ?" Eazy asked.

"Cold." The chuckled. "I'm not used to their weather but over all, it was fine." I stated.

"That's wassup, so why you came back ?" Looking into my eyes.

I turned and smirked at the girls. "To handle business." E raised a eyebrow.

"Oh really like what ?" Cube asked with his nosey ass.

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