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Excuse my mistakes

November 8,1989


Thing have been going good between me and Eric. My album is almost done I just been doing a lot of stuff, I did a soundtrack for this animation movie called "Journey to the Past". Me and Eazy took his kids to see it, they loved it. But Ginuwine have been acting slightly distance lately, I don't know what's going on.

"Stacey I don't want to hear about Ren right now." I said in a annoyed tone.

"But girl he is driving me crazy, he's cheating on me." She began to cry.

"Stace, Stace stop okay? If you think he's cheating go through his stuff and see then calmly ask him if he is. And if he lies you know what to do." I stated.

She sniffed. "Thanks Liyah, I'll call you later."

"Alright, bye." We hung up. I was in my room playing with my hair then I heard the door bell. I got off my bed and went downstairs.

"Coming !" I shouted then I finally opened the door to find Ginuwine leaning on the door frame. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want now Ginuwine? To start more trouble ?"

"Aaliyah please listen to me, I want to apologize." He claimed.

"For what ?" I crossed my arms.

"Just-, can I come in please ?" He looked at me with pleading eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Ugh fine." I let him in. I went into the living room and sat down on the couch. "Now continue, I want to hear this." I smirked devilishly at him.

"Ok then, Aaliyah I'm sorry about the song. I should have spilled out our dirty laundry like that..." He explained.

"You should be."

"But I'm not apologizing for why I did it though."


"And why the hell not ?!?" I started to raise my voice.

"Aaliyah I don't like you with the nigga! He doesn't deserve you !"

"Hey watch your mouth !"

"Your so blind Aaliyah, he's a man whore! Do you know how many women he cheated on you with? Huh ?!?" He stated.

I got up from my seat. "Shut the fuck up! You don't know shit about Eric !" I yelled.

"I know that he's cheating." He mumbled. "Look just face it Aaliyah, it's obvious that I still want you and you can't lie and say that you don't want me too !"

"Boy you crazy! I do not want you !"

He got in my face. "Look me in the eye and tell me you don't then I'll leave it alone." He looked into my eyes.

I gulped. "I d-don't wa-." He cut me off with at kiss. My eyes widen in shock then I pushed him away. "Ginuwine stop-p." I spat at him. The next thing I knew he pinned me to the wall and kissed he again. Suddenly for no reason why... I kissed back. I guess the memories of us together went through my head and I couldn't control myself.

Oh my god what have I gotten myself into...


I moved the phone away from my ear. "Why she not answering ?" I mumbled to myself. I'm trying to call Aaliyah to see what she up to, but strangely she not answering a nigga calls tonight. I'm on my to Traci house to see my daughter Erin, I miss my baby girl. On another hand, Traci crazy ass always calling my phone asking me to come over but I told her I will only come over to see Erin and that's that. I'm trying to be faithful but this shit ain't easy for a nigga like me.

I parked in front of her house and got out my car. I went up to her door and knocked on it. Seconds later, she opened the door with a robe on.

I looked at her up and down. "Wassup ?"

"Hey, come in." She moved a side and let me in. I strolled in and sat down on her red velvet couch. Traci sat in a different chair.

"So how you doing Eric?, are you and Aaliyah still together ?" She sipped her wine.

I nod. "Yeah, yea we are. So where's my daughter Traci ?" Changing the subject.

She giggled. "You mean our daughter." She corrected me. "She's at my mothers house."

"Then why the fuck I'm here for ?!?" I started to get irritated.

"Because, I just want some dick." She smirked, she got up and sat next to me and started to kissing on me.

My eyes widen a lil. "Why you wanna fuck me? To make my girl mad huh ?" I looked at her.

"Nah, it ain't even like that. I just missed you that's all and I know you missed me too daddy." She slide her hand into my pants and started rubbing my dick. "Now am I wrong ?" She looked at me seductively.

I groaned. "Yeah, yea I missed you too. But I can't do this shit man, not to Aaliyah." I got up and began to walk to the door.

She suck her teeth. "Come on Eazy, don't be like that." She wrapped her arms around me. "This is just between us. I know you want to, you mean to tell me you don't want to hit this ?" She grabbed my hand and rubbed it on her ass.

Her shit was fat...

"Man come over here and get this pussy." She whispered in my ear. She really tempting me.

I turned around, looking at her. "I just don't need to be going there with you girl. Plus I ain't got no condom, no way man." I shook my head.

Then Traci pulled out a magnum. "I see somebody don't want to leave." She giggled seductively as she leads me to the couch. She got on her knees, pulled down my pants and put my dick in her mouth.

"Fuck Traci !" I looked down at her as she deep throated and pulled out. "I can't do this." I mumbled. Then she got up and took off her robe revealing all her sexy assets. Then she got on top of me again, rolled the condom on me and started kissing my neck. "This shit is wrong mann." I hissed.

"Mhm, no just a lil but please." She slide down on my dick as I felt her tight pussy wrapped around my dick. "Ssss agh Eazyyy." She moan against my neck.

Aaliyah, forgive me...


Uh ooo I know y'all mad as hell at both of them. How do y'all feel about their actions. And I'm so sorry that this chapter is short but I tried to hurry up and give y'all a juicy chapter to read. I hoped you enjoyed it and I promise the next one will be longer. I love y'all  my loyal readers 💖.

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Essence out 💋✌️

Ps: My birthday is in two days ♒️✨

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