26.'Ginuwine 4 Ya' Mind'

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Excuse my mistakes

August 27,1989


I'm in the studio doing a session with Timberland. I gotta tell you this album is gonna have every woman in there feelings. I can't wait to finish. Besides that Eazy's still kinda pissed at Ginuwine for what he did at my video release party. Why every time I go some where with E there's drama. Ugh I don't know but I don't blame him for being mad, I mean i would be mad too. But now I have to apologize to Ginuwine for Eazy's actions.

"Yo Tim, can we take five ?" I took of the headphones.

"Yea sure, I have to make phone call anyway." He got up and walk out to the hallway. I walked out the booth and saw Ginuwine playing with the switches.

"Hey umm can I talk to you for a sec ?" I bit my lip nervously. He look at me and raised an eyebrow. "Please ?" I pouted, he sighed while nodding his head. I sat next to him. "Hey look, once again I wanna say that I'm sor-." He cut me off.

"Stop." He said as I narrowed my eyebrows at him. "You don't have to apologize for your lil boyfriend. It wasn't your fault ok ?" I shook my head looking down. "Hey look at me." He lifted my head up with is finger. "Don't stress your self, I'm cool about it." He gave me a half smile.

I smiled back. "Thank you for understanding." I hugged him, he hugged back.

He pulled way. "You welcome." He smiled.

"Hey Aaliyah." I turn to see Timberland came back. "You ready to finish this track ?" He sat don't in his chair.

"Yeah, lets hit it." I walked back into the booth and put back on my head sets.

"Alright Liyah, start from the second to last verse ok."

I nod my head. "Gotcha."

I'ma write you, a love letter tonight
You better keep watch 'cause the mail man's coming
I'ma write you, a love letter tonight
You better keep watch 'cause the mail man's coming

I'm sending him a 4 page letter and I enclosed it with a kiss
And when I write him he better, get it on time
Oh, I'm sending him a 4 page letter and I enclosed it with a kiss
And when I write him he better, get it on time
I'm sending him a 4 page letter and I enclosed it with a kiss
And when I write him he better, get it on time



That short nigga don't know what's coming to him, this pretty boy is going to show him how much Aaliyah meant to me and I'm gonna take her from him. I know just how to mess up his head.


Me and the fellas was chillin' in my house, watching tv and talking shit.

"Yoo puff puff pass muthafucka." I spat at Ren.

"Dang nigga wait, let me get another hit man." He suck his teeth.

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