32.'Seeing U Again'

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Excuse my mistakes

February 4,1991


"Yo Dre I don't want to here about this shit right now, off today." I said through the phone.

"Nah nigga this is important." He plead.

"Man well talk about later aight, bye!" I hung up on him, I swear this nigga been getting on my nerves lately. Ever since he been hanging with Suge he been acting like he tough or somethin'. I'm chillin' in my house with Traci she been very jumpy lately but maybe I'm trippin'. Just then Traci came into the living room with skimpy ass clothes on.

"Hey Eazy baby." She came over and kissed my cheek.

"Where the hell you think you going ?" I raised an eyebrow.

"To handle some business baby."

"Dressed like that ?" Referring to her outfit.

"Oh don't worry Eric, nobody hittin' this but you." She smirked at me.

"Yeah ok." I chuckled.

She giggled. "Well I gotta go." She pecked my lips. "See you later." She winked as she walked out the door.

Man I tell ya, she is a lot of work.

I shook my head as I flipped through channel until I saw Aaliyah's face. I flipped back to the channel to see her new music video, 'The One I Gave My Heart To'. Damn, this song reminds me how wrong I was for messing around on her. I miss her to death, I have to see her. I made a few phone calls and found out that Aaliyah is gonna perform in LA tonight and I'm gonna make a appearance.

2 hours later...


"Babygirl, how you like the waves ? Is it me girl ?" Missy showed me her new do.

I giggled. "Yeah girls, very nice."

"Thanks boo, so you ready for tonight ?" She looked at me through the mirror.

"Yeah girl, for some reason I feel like something gonna happen tonight."

She turned around. "Like what ?" She raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't but I'm hype to find out." I raised my eyebrows up and down.

She laughed. "Well okay, come get ready we on in few minutes, aight."

"Okay." I got up and went into my dressing room. I put on my all black out fix, looking sexy as hell and my locs. Then my pager started ringing, I looked and it was a unknown number so I answered it. "Hello ?" No one answered, all I heard was someone breathing.
"Hello ?!?" I was getting annoyed.

"Watch your back babygirl, I'm watching you." A deep voice said, followed by a dark laugh. I frowned and quickly hung up the phone.

What the fuck ? It was probably Eazy stupid ass, he play too much...

He's been calling my phone, leaving voice messages. Eric's so sweet but I can led him know that, I'm still mad at him. "Aye Aaliyah, you ready ?" I turn to see Timberland head sticking out the door.

"Y-yea yeah I'm coming." I shook it off and followed Tim out onto the stage. Millions of screaming fans can to see me in my home town, I'm about to bring it home tonight.

"What's happenin' LA !!" I shouted to the crowd, they screamed back. "That's wassup, we gonna have a good show tonight aight. Y'all ready ?!?" They scream 'Yes'. "Yo Timberland, Missy lets get it ." I said to them, then my song burst through the speakers.

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