22.'Sore Pain'

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Before I start this chapter I want to give a shout out to xoxrayannexox. She is one of my loyal readers, I would like for y'all to check out her new book ' Eazy Love ? ' . I would appreciate it if you could. Now back to the story, enjoy. 💋

The morning after...


It was finally over, I only wish it was a dream but it felt like a nightmare. I can't move, I have bruises all over my legs and back. I can't believe this happened to me, this changes everything for me. What about my career, what about Eric, what about me?. This has really effected me, mentally.

"Why lord, why me? What did I do to deserve this !" I cried out. The was blood on the floor, my blood. I feel so dirty, I feel like a slut. Then I heard the door bell ring, it made me jump.

"Aaliyah, aye can you open the door I forgot my key." Stacey shouted through the door.

I cringe. "It's open." I shouted back. She opened the door, looked around then when she saw me she freaked out.

"Oh my god Aaliyah !" She yelled, ran up to me. "Aaliyah w-what happened ?" She looked into my eyes.

"I-i was r-raped." I stuttered, she covered her mouth.

She gasped as she covered her mouth in shock. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." She cried. "Wait here okay, I'm gonna get you to the hospital." She ran out the house, seconds later she came back with Ren.

"Oh shit what the fuck ?" He looked at me up and down.

"Ren I'll explain everything later, please just get her to the hospital." Stacey plead.

"Ok." He grabbed my arm.

"Oww." I whine.

"I'm sorry, little one." He picked me up and walked towards his car.

"Ren be careful with her." Stacey trailed behind him.

"I am, I am." He put me in the in the back seat, then they got in.

"Aaliyah are you okay ?" Stacey asked, I don't know what happened but i started to feel dizzy. "Aaliyah, Aaliyah, Aaliyah." That's all I heard until i blacked out.


My eyes flutter as i woke up. I looked around my surroundings to see that I wasn't at home anymore, I was in the hospital. I tried to sit up but my back hurts so bad, looked down and saw that I have a IV in my arm. Damn I'm really fucked up.

"Look, look she's awake." I looked to my right and saw my family.

"Oh my lord, my poor baby." My mom cried out. "Are you okay ?" She touched my face.

"Oww mom, that hurts." I moved her hands.

"I'm sorry sweetie."

"What happened ?" My dad asked.

"I was raped." A tear fell down my cheek.

He stood up from his seat.  "What?!? By who ?!?" He shouts out in rage.

"R. K-kelly." I stuttered, everyone was in shock.

"What the fuck ?!?" Evan said.

"Evan, what your mouth." My mom warned him.

"Nah mama forget that, he did this to you Liyah ?" Evan looked into my eyes, I nodded.

"Oh hell naw. I'm gonna put his ass in jail." My dad stated.

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