21.'Goin' Down Hill'

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June 9,1988


Cube invited the whole crew out to dinner because he said that he has to make a announcement or some shit. I think I know why, it's probably about Jerry. Cube have been getting on my last nerves talking about 'Jerry this', 'Jerry that', and 'Where's my money' bullshit. He sounds like a little bitch but I want to see what this nigga has to say. Me and Ren pulled up to pick up he girls but they taking forever.

I hunk my horn. "Can y'all hurry up man, shit." I shouted.

"I swear man women take for ever to get ready." Ren shook his head.

"You ain't never lied." We laughed. Then minutes later Aaliyah and Stacey came out the house. Damn my baby looking good.

"Finally." Ren rolled his eyes.

"Shut up we didn't take that long." Stacey mushed his head as they got into the back seat.

"Aye stop all that shit in my car. Y'all ready ?" I looked back them.

"Yep." They said, Aaliyah moved her bang to the side and winked at me.

I smirked at her. "Aight, we out." We drove off. We pulled up to the restaurant, got out the car and strolled in. There was a man near the door, I guess that's the host of this joint.

"Welcome to Cicada, you have reservations ?" He looked at us

"Yea, reservations with Ice Cube." I said then the man looked into his book.

"Yes, follow me." We followed him to a big table. Yella and Jerry was sitting at the table.

"Wassup Yella, Jerry." I nod at them while sitting next to Aaliyah.

"Waddup." Yella gave me a nod.

"Hey Eric, go you know what's going on ?"

"Mannn I have no clue." I put my arm around Aaliyah. "You know you look so fine tonight ?" I whispered in her ear.

"Don't I know it baby ?" She pecked my lips, I chuckled. I looked up and saw Cube and Kim walked towards the table. They sat at the table and had a blank look on their faces. "Baby what wrong with them ?" Aaliyah whispered in my ear.

"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders, then the waiter came to our table.

"Are y'all ready to order ?" The lady smiled.

"We would like a bottle of champagne to toast for tonight." Cube smirked.

"Alright, coming right up sir." She walked away.

"Come on Ice Cube, cut the bullshit. Why are we here ?" Jerry broke the silence.

"Mmmm, I'm glad you asked that Jerry." Cube took the champagne and poured him and Kim a glass.

"O'shea don't do this." Kim plead.

"Come on baby take the drink. I got something to say." He stood up and held up his glass. "I would like to make toast to Eazy E and Jerry. I want to let y'all muthafuckas know that I'm leaving NWA and Ruthless Record." He smiled, my eyes widen. Everyone was in shock.

I stood up. "You know what Cube, you just the little bitch I thought you was. Gon' leave I don't give a fuck because we don't need yo ass !!!" I spat.

"Eric stop it !!!" Aaliyah grabbed my arm.

Snatch my arm back. "Nah fuck him !!!"

"Fuck you too nigga!!! And Jerry I hope you rot in hell." Cube walked towards the door.

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