35.'Back To Normal'

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Excuse my mistakes.

The Morning After.....



My eyes fluttered as the bright light from the window shined. A smile grew on my face as last night roamed in my mind. I felt around the bed looking for Eric but I didn't feel no one. I sat up in the bed looking around for him until I hear a the shower running in his bathroom. I smirked as I flipped the covers away and planted my bare feet on the floor. I stood up but end up falling down.

"Shit." I mumbled in pain. I slowly got up and eased the pain. "Damn you Eric." I giggled softly. I tippy-toned to the door and opened it quietly. I looked at the clear doors of the shower and saw my sexy man soak and wet.

"Mmmm damn." I bit my lip as I ran my fingers threw my hair. I walked up to the shower and slide the door open and step inside. Eric noticed my appearance as he looked over his shoulder at me. I wrapped my arms around his torso and pecked his broad shoulders. "Good morning baby." I mumbled softly, against his shoulder.

Eric chuckled deeply. "Well good mornin' to you too." He turned around and grabbed me by my waist pulling me closer to his soak and wet chest. "Let's make it a better mornin', babygirl." He started kissing my jawline.

I smirked at his as I leaned up and kissed his lips softly. He kissed back as he backed me up to the wall. Steam started to build up as we made hot, steaming love.



I just came back from IHop as I bought me and Aaliyah breakfast. "Aaliyah baby !" I called out to her.

"I'm coming !" I heard her say as she came down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen with a big smile on her face. The thoughts of last night and this morning went through my head. I'm so happy she back in my life and I'll do anything to keep her that way.

"I see someone happy this morning." I smirked as I leaned on the counter.

She walked over to me. "Well it's because of you." She wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"Mhmm, here." I let go of her and gave her a plate of food.

"Aww baby, you cooked ?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

I chuckled. "Yeah something like th-, man just eat it." Aaliyah burst out laughing.  "You know you really surprised me at the party, last night." I mentioned, watching her closely.

"Well you know, at first I didn't want to go an-."

I cut her off. "Why ?" I narrowed my eyebrows at her.

She cleared her throat. "Because, I was scared to face you again." She admitted.

"Hmmm." I scoffed. "Yeah, but Lisa begged me to go, so I did." She mumbled while, eating her piece of bacon.

"Aye, I'm glad you came though." I sat next to her. "I've missed you so much." I grabbed her hand and kissed it tenderly.

She blushed. "I missed you but I think we both showed each other last night." She winked at me as I laughed.

"Yeah, you right about that." I smirked. "But go get dressed I'm taking you out."

She raised an eyebrow. "Where ?"

"You'll see." I gave her a quick peck her lips. "Now go." I smacked her ass as she walked past me.

Damn I miss her...

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