20. You pinch me then you tickle me

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"How many fond fools serve mad jealousy?" - (Comedy of errors) William Shakespere


After watching two movies I sent a text to Ayaan that I am ready to go. As I packed everything, I saw Deepali coming towards me. I furrowed my eyebrows thinking what I left back.

"You really love him right?"

That startled me and I directly stared at her to decipher her intention. But I didn't get anything but twinkling onyx orbs.

"I can feel your anger and jealousy when di gave my introduction. B-but I swear I don't have such intentions. He just shares everything with me and I do the same. That is our relationship. We are just very close I hope you understand."

By blurting out that way she went inside while I made my way towards the lift. Ugh! She has such an innocent jet black orbs that I can't even be mad at her. The way she was saying things about Ayaan-

"Took you long enough to come over till the lift?"

On the cue I saw Ayaan approaching towards me with a scowl then he gradually changed his expression into a small smile and it became wider within seconds. What happened to him? Did he become bi-polar? without even noticing towards me he just passed through like a wind only to hug a girl who was behind me.

Then I realized that girl was his 'oh-so-sweet' best friend. This Deepali and Ayaan re-union is irritating me out. Why am I feeling like this? You are jealous. My inner voice spat at me. Oh I fricking am not jealous. I then jumped into reality as I heard conversation of those two 'great friends'.

"Haaaww! You just forgot me after you went to Delhi. How could you do it? Deppy? Got a new boy friend there? How is he? if he breakes your heart Deppy I swear I will kill that guy. And I want you to make those cookies for me I had also missed them like hell."

Arrgh! He loves cookies now? What about those aloo pharatas which he always steals away form me? She chuckled and rested her palm on his cheek. I clenched my fist to control myself and not to pounce on her.

"Ayyu I missed you too but was too busy with that exchange thing. But I am happy that I am back. So lets go somewhere?"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. She is like some lost puppy following him everywhere.

"Awww Deppy my coochi woochie. I am going to punish you for a week by not meeting you."

Ayaan told in baby voice by pinching and rotating her cheeks. What? Is she a primary school kid?

I heard a ping so I turned around to see that lift is open in the current floor I am standing so I went inside leaving two annoying people behind.



It felt good as I saw Deppy after six months after she was chosen as an exchange student for the workshop in Delhi I felt like I am alone even when I had my own group of friends. But when Sparsh entered into my life, I felt content but my Deppy is Deppy. No one can replace her. She and Chaya were my rock when I was depressed and miserable.... But Cha-

"Oh no! Ayaan she is again angry with me.... sh-she just went away..... ohhhh....... Why do I make every thing complicated?"

Deppy started to panic I held her shoulders firmly but was also worried about Sparsh. I just hope I will make everything right.

"Deppy! She is not the type of girl who gets angry for silly reasons. And I love to make Sparshy jealous." I grinned widely to assure her that it will be okay. She smiled and I went to ground floor to search my angry queen.

When I reached ground floor I found Sparsh next to lift surprisingly. When she gazed towards me she rolled her eyes.

"Don't bring different types of sports car every day. I can't recognize them."

I chucked at her fury and lead her to my car. Me and jiju together own like eight cars then me Ron and Nish do exchange cars too. We four love to ride different cars.

As I opened the door of passenger seat for her she huffed and went in. Weird! She is never in such mood! Is it? N-no it can't be jealousy. She is not easily jealous..... or....... no....

As I drove around I saw Sparsh rolling her eyes every five minutes and she kept on drumming her fingers on her thighs. Which she used to do when she is angry or bored. Oh man! What happened now. When I reached the Marine drive I stopped the car.

"What is wrong with you?"

She huffed and glared at me but out of nowhere she opened the door and stated to walk away. I huffed and opened my door to follow her. Crazy girl! I absolutely cannot predict what is going through her thick skull. When I raked out through my brain to figure out what is wrong with her I came to a conclusion that she is jealous.With a smirk I followed her.

"Sparsh hey! Wait...."

Damn! She is fast at walking. I called her several times then she stopped and crossed her arms over her chest. I jogged towards her and halted only to see her eyes lighting up at the view of sunset. I stood and just admired her beauty as she was basking with shades of gold, orange and red. Her auburn waves is shinning reflecting the light illuminated from the sun. God! She is such a beauty. Involuntarily I went close to her and only to hold her by her waist. She didn't react like normally she flip at my touch as she was busily enjoying the mesmerizing view.

"I am sorry for what ever made you angry but please talk to me"

She suddenly flinched as she heard me whisper in her ear. But relaxed as she got used to me. And suddenly I heard a sniff-no this is not going to end well.

"You-you are very bad when your old friend c-comes y-you just forget m-me it-its unfair....."

She started to cry louder and people around us started to glare at me. Shit!

"No-no Sparshy its not like that you-" I started to console her buy holding her arms but all of sudden I felt her push and I felt myself land on the soiled floor with a thud ouch!

I then heard a fit of giggles which was a kind of wind-chime music for me even in kind of pain I was amused that this girl's beauty when she laugh. Her eyes crinkled when she laughed cupping her mouth and pointing her index finger towards me.

I stood up and glared at her faking my anger. Her mouth formed an 'O' with the sudden realisation so she started to run and I started to chase her. Finally near my car she stopped by huffing. I spun around and held her by her slim waist and we were an inch apart.......


A/N: Done finally! now vomment....

This book is dedicated to my friend ALUCKYJ99

His crazy fake girl (Part 1 of Fake series)Where stories live. Discover now