16. The monster

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Finally the most awaiting chapter is here. So people under 18 let me warn you there will be a little explict scene. Read at your own risk.

Dedication to Shailajarao as she is a new follower of mine.

"The ego is a facinating monster" - Alanis Morissette



Its been three weeks since the allergy incident and Ayaan have been very distant with me this whole three weeks. It felt very bad I don't know why. As I came out of my exam hall I witnessed Raghav playing with his question paper making rocket. I chuckled and went towards him.

"So madam looking happy as you exam got over?"

he taunted me for which I pushed him. And he busted into laughter.

"Aww Sparsh you are such a man while beating me up. Or else you will be such a shy girly girl."

He teased me while giving my nose a small pinch. I chuckled and we went to canteen.

"So how was your exam? Did you do well?"

He chuckled and gave a salute.

"Yes mom!"

We both laughed at his antics. Then he sobered up and looked at the ground. And when he lifted his head he took out a shiny chain from his pocket.

"Sparsh, as a friend I always respect you. You are the only person who didn't judge me as a creepy persom or a ba$trd. So I wanted to give you this."

It was a bracelet of silver as in felt like actual silver had cute charms of mango and 'bff'. He took my wrist and clapesed it on there securedly.

"SO the mango is the fruit which is found during summer not all the seasons which makes it unique. And this 'bff' charm says that you are my "best friend forever" So you are the Best friend of mine who is very unique. Hence these charms."

I flicked his forehead for which he frowned.

"You idiot this thing is expensive. You could have brought me a small artificial ring or something. God! How could you waste such money?"

He chuckled and ruffeled my hair.

"Sparsh a precious friend can have a priceless gift so its okay."

"Please Raghav don't do this again.-"

"ASnd never flirt with my girlfriend."

As we heard furious Ayaan's voice Raghav gave a disbelieving look and went away muttering 'He won't change' I sighed and went towards Ayaan.

"WHat the hell is wrong with you Sparsh? how many times should I explain that you should stay away from him. AWAY not with him!"

He shouted at me which made me to flinch for the first time after long time. I felt like its not good to interrupt him as he was shaking with anger. And as he knew that I will not answer he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out to his car. He pushed me into the car and he blared the engine to life. And he started to drive in very high speed like 180 kilometers per hour.

And this made me to jump every single time when he changed gears, pulled break all of sudden or humps came. And also my gut feeling told me that there is something which would go wrong. And that terible feeling haunted me.

"OUT! GET OUT....... And I swear Sparsh If I see you with Raghav Singhaniya again, I swear I will not be the right man. I will be the monster."

I flinched as he yelled and it reminded me of the monster of my own past. Soon tears streamed out my eyes and I closed his car door shut. Why Ayaan why can't you just let me be? Why are you so confusing me so much? What do you want from me?

Out of frustration I wiped my eyes free from tears and went to my home. When I reached the front door of my home to knock It opened up it self. Strange! Aayi will never do this.

"Aayi? Ay-"

"Welcome home my dear daughter."

My eyes widened as the worst nightmare of my life came infront of me. No-no this can't be happenning I-

"Aayi-ay- why ar-are you he-here?"

I felt a stinging sensation as my head turned feeling the slap and I cupped my cheek. I swear my cheek will be swollen and red by now.

"Aayi-where is-is sh-"

"Shut up you brat. She will be dead soon"

Tears started to stream like a waterfall and I started to shiver in fear. No Gannuji please let my aayi be fine. Looking at my misery that monster started to laugh. My gut feeling was right! Out of anger which was built up inside me from long back came back to me with huge impact so I lifted my bag to hit him but went in vein as he grabbed it and threw it away.

Then he grabbed me by my hair painfully and slammed me over the small coffee table of the living room. The glass of the coffee table cracked and my skull started to throb heavily due to the impact. And I also felt wetness on my forehead and my head started to get heavy.

"You and your b*tch of a mother were disgrace of my life. I am going to finish you both."

NO please I started to live my life now and aayi? She just started to smile little by little and-no why god why are you doing this?

My energy level started to decrease but I summed up my willpower and ran to kitchen and he followed me and grabbed my arm and twisted it painfully.

"You can't escape me now little girl like before. You are MINE!"

With whatever energy I had I started kicking and free myself. My hard work bore a fruit as I kicked his knee and he slumped down leaving me. I took the chance to take out my phone and pressed power button couple of times which will go to the speed dial.

And my speed dial went straight away to Ayaan. I then felt a sharp sting on the back of my left thigh for which I yelled but was silenced as that monster clamped my mouth.

"Shhh.... Brat, you should not scream You are my good girl."

As he said that shivers ran down my spine and I trembled more and more as his knife and his other hand started to travell down. this time my tears were not able to control and my fear raised to new heights.

"Aww my baby girl, you should be very lucky that you can spend such a great time with me. I swear you will enjoy every single moment."

I had wore a dungree dress with a white tee which I regret now as he easily cut the dress and it fell apart and at this time I lost all my energy and the whole surrounding started to spin around me then I started to see lots of black dots and atlast I felt darkness engulf me.

"You are....... a.......... huge......... monster who never...... deserved any thing ..... Le-leave us........ alooooooneee"

At last I thought that even Ayaan would not help me as he hates me now. Please for this once come to me and save me please.


A/N: Okay no abusive comments please... BUt any one can curse that sick man I don't mind.

And guys there will be no Ayaan or any night shinning aurmor to help you in your life so be safe

Vomment please.

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