17. Her tears

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"Tears come from heart. Not from brain-Leonardo Da Vinci"



Hell! Why couldn't I control my anger when it comes to Sparsh? Why is that b@strd is messing with me? What's his problem? His agenda? Does he want to steal away everything which is mine-no I will never let something like that ever happen.

Angrily I kept on driving aimlessly and my phone rang out loudly as I decided to take a coffee break near a cafe. I saw the caller Id and it said Fake girlfriend. Now what does she want from me? As I answered I heard a shrill scream-


"Shh... Brat, you should not scream you are my good girl."

What the hell? I heard her muffeled moaning in pain. My heart stung like hell as I heard her scream. Man she is in pain what shall- I should head to her home and check yeah.

I turned my phone in speaker And started to drive to her home and I switched on a recorder app and recorded the call.

"Aww my baby girl you should be very lucky that you can spend such a great time with me. I swear you will enjoy every single moment."

God! What kind of sick person is he? I ended the call as my anger reached a great height and i want to distract my self. I soon called Sachin Tavade jiju's best friend and informed the situation and address of Sparsh's house and called some paramedics too.

As I reached her home I saw a man around 50s having his way around her as I found him partly naked. I soon rushed over and straightly punched his nose. He stumbled and clutched his nose and then punched me on my jaw. 

 Pain rippeled on my jaw but looking at her pale body and blood oozing out I got a kind of different strength and I straight away punched his stomach and cops arrived at the moment as I sensed them entering from my pheripheral vision. The impact of me punching sent him collapsing to floor. And I started to kicking him but I was stopped by those cops,

I soon hurried to see Sparsh who was deathly pale and was lying on the floor. I lifted her by her shoulders and single tear shead out of my eyes.

"I will not let anything happen to you."

I whispered and kissed her bloody cheek. And those paramedics insisted me to leave her. Then I remembered about her mother so I rushed towards every corner. then I found her lying on the floor unconcious. Then I called the paramedics and they rushed towards her.

Why would some one barge in and destroy Sparsh's family like this? And why would she hide something dangerous from me like this issue? Or did that stalker sent him-

I just ran towards my car and drove to hospital and kept my thoughts at bay. As I reached the hospital I felt exhausted but I didn't bothered about my state and called up Ash as she is a girl, Sparsh will be more comfortable.

Tears streamed out of my eyes as I remembered how Sparsh was lying on the floor but soon my concern and worries turned into anger as I remembered that monster kind of a person. How many? How many of such incidents has been happening all over the world? How many victims like my Sparshy has been hospitalized? How many of girls have been silent about such incidents? And more than that how many of such monsters are roaming free like this?

I clenched my fist and punched the nearest wall. From now on I will protect and take care of her more than a fragile flower. More than an expensive and antique vase, more than a new born baby.

I called out all of my friends as she needs as much as support and care as much as I could muster up. And I felt like I should bring down world's best clowns and comedians to make her smile and laugh to make her forget this bitter memory.

His crazy fake girl (Part 1 of Fake series)Where stories live. Discover now