38. The flowering of a bud

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"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love." ~ Max Muller

"Ayaan, I-I can't lie to anyone any more. It's like I am some fraud and all your friends accept me as their own but my lie is like I am stabbing on their back. I hate this feeling of being a gold digger, back stabber and an unworthy person. They trust me so much and I am- I am such a bad person."

I felt him envelope me into a hug and comfort me by drawing soothing circles on my back.

"Hey-hey no one will hate you ever. One can only love you Sparsh. Just like me."

I frowned and pushed him away so he fell over bed.

"Stop being cheesy Mr..... Cheese cake.... Yeah cheese cake."

He laughed at my endearment then he again hugged me by nuzzling his nose on my neck. That one small move shot sparks all over my body and strange tickling sensation crossed me. And soon they faded as he pulled away a pout made its way on my lips because I lost the warmth. I got disappointed and that idiot did nothing but a chuckle graced his lips again.

Before I could punch him, he captured both of my hands and pinned me to the head board of the bed.

"Sparsh, if they hate you they are gonna hate me too. If you are bad in front of them then I am going to be in the same category. Or may be I am worst for them."

I punched his shoulder again as I heard him say that. For which he laughed and dragged me to the vast balcony of his house.

We both landed over the cute swing and he rested his head on my lap. Even though I felt a kind of bliss, heat radiating from his body made me worry as I knew his is sick. And this scorching heat didn't do any good. I started to comb his hair backwards and he emitted a sigh slowly.

"Did you maintained distance from me because you feared that my friends would tag you as a gold digger?"

I shook my head at his question.

"I feared that you would loose your friends all because of me. I feared that you would be alone again and-"

And some how a single strand of tear escaped from me and it fell over his forehead. That made him open his eyes and by lifting his hand, he word those tears.

"If they can't be friends with you, then I couldn't be a friend with them. Sparsh if I loose everything for you then those loss are worth it. As I will be next to you. So you are mine Sparsh. No one can steal you away from me and I can't loose you for anything. Because I have come very far to have you with me. And I don't want this moment or the love between us to end in any way. And never think that I would leave you just because my friends would disapprove you or because of any other silly matter like this."

And those words from him made me to kiss his forehead and he closed his eyes as I did that. I returned to comb his hair and he returned to sleep peacefully.

"You are mine too Ayaan. And I will make sure no harm would come your way. And I will make sure that no matter what, your happiness won't part from you."

I took my bag and took out my handkerchief and water bottle. I dampened the piece of cloth and by squeezing the excess of water I placed it over his scorching forehead. And I could see that he was sweating profusely. So I took out a book from my bag and I started to fan him with it's help and I blew air from my mouth too. Finally he looked like he is in his deep slumber.


Mr. Ishan appeared in front of me by catching his breath and I signed him to low his tone as I kept finger on my lips and pointed to Ayaan. He gave a nod as he understood.

His crazy fake girl (Part 1 of Fake series)Where stories live. Discover now