36. The grief

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"Grief can't be shared. Everyone carries it alone. His own burden in his own way." - Anne Morrow Lindbergh


The familiar feeling if being alone haunted me again as I heard doctor informing us bluntly that he barely have few breaths left.

I swear all those nightmares will start again as there will be no one to comfort me. The very own Guardian of mine is slipping away from me and I am helpless like a white crayon or white color pencil in a color box.

I turned around to check on di and jiju I felt an unknown yet pleasant warmth engulf me.

"I know I am no one to interfere but I know very well that you need some comfort. I will be your teddy"

I chuckled at her statement yet tears streamed out from my eyes like some river. And I started to cry like a stupid nursery girl v who cries over her torn Barbie. Soon I engulfed her into a hug.
"He-he is the only person who is my Savior and he i-is the only person who t-took me in when I.... I had no family I .... "

I felt her run my back in comfort as I quivered in fear of losing my one and only parent.

As Ayaan came out his pale body and distant black eyes described everything. As if I am frozen in my place I didn't even blink an eye and everything happened in slow motion.

Doctors hurried inside uncle's room and one of the doctor shook his head as a no and di started crying. I knew jiju tried to stay strong for di but he too shook in grief.
And I wanted my self to die. So I left the place without any noise fit them to notice. And those flood gates refused to shut anymore.


"Nope-no way-never! He hates me and I am not needed anywhere near him. So now your plan is flopped."

I snapped at the group of my 'so called' friends who are right now glaring at me all because I am refusing to go with them for Ayaan's dad's funeral. I know I am acting cold and all but I am not able to face him and the guilt is eating up like a leach drinks up blood. And after that day I swear he will vanish me from the face of the earth.

*flash back*
Ayaan came out of his father's room and by the look of his face and with the changes in the room which was happening slowly yet breathtakingly fast, I could say something was wrong regarding his dad. And swiftly Ayaan walked out of the waiting room and the way he went out worried me a lot hence I went behind him.

Only to see him next to a tree and sobbing out by keeping his face in both of his palms. As I went near him he started to punch the tree where his back was rested I hurried towards him and tried to rescue him from self harm by pushing him away from that tree and hugging him.

Even though I made him to stop punching that tree his angry red bruises were burning over his knuckles. All if sudden I felt him push me and with very less energy left in my body, I stumbled but caught my self in time with a branch of a plant and carefully placed my other hand over a tree.

And unfortunately I placed my first hand I mean my right hand over a riser branch and that dying me like a bîtch.


I heard him yell and his presence felt closer to me. Sparks shot through me for the 'nth' time as I felt his fingers made contact with mine. But again he dropped my hand and stepped back as if I had some allergy which would spread him.

His crazy fake girl (Part 1 of Fake series)Where stories live. Discover now