27. The game part-II

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You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. - Albert Einstein



The whole crowd were cheering up Ayaan like anything. Even I couldn't resist his dance moves as he sways no floats his body according to the music. He then jumped off from the stage as the crowd went with oos and aahs.... Then the guy became visible as crowd cleared a little as they went side ways.

As this place which is located with a cute roman style fountain and a good lawn which is as big as a football or cricket field. There is a stage kind of thing which is enough for I think a music performer. Okay that would explain why he is in between the crowd.

As soon as the song ended there were lot of cheers and yells going around.

"Okay people enough of me dancing and girls cheering-thank you girls and boys glaring at me to death. Sorry boys, I will keep my self away from your girls. Now, Hi couples, I am your awesome and handsome host for today and as you all know my name I won't give any intro because it's boring sh*t.

So let the game begin...."

There were loud vuvuzelas sound in the background and all the couples were handed a kind of flash cards. It had numbers and was given one to each couple mine and Ron's card read '15'. I sighed I don't know what will happen.



I am happy to see my bro and Ash are participating in this competition together.

"Let them win instead of us or Ayaan and Sparsh."

I agreed and gave a nod. The volunteers brought a tray filled with some blocks. Why the blocks-

"You all must be thinking we are not some nursery kids to play with these blocks. So why do we have it? But here is the answer. These are puzzle blocks which will lead you to your next task and at the last there will be a quiz. And we will count time of your each task. So get ready couples, put your best foot forward. Now coming back to the game, all of you should sit down on the spot where you are."

We did according to his saying.



Cheese cake!

We have got a cheese cake as the clue for next task.

"Hey couple no. 11 finished the puzzle and they have got twin step ladder."

The host announced the clue of Ron and Ash who looked baffled about the clue.

"So the couple no. 12 here should bake a cheese cake. Yum!"

It was ours! Sparsh stared at me with wide eyes. Which clearly explained me that she also don't know anything about this cake thing like me. Okay this is the best opportunity to get away from this game.

"Umm... we d-don't know how to bake."

That guy just grinned and ushered us to a corer where a table with oven and some bowls were present.

"Don't worry we have also kept a written instruction slip so no need to worry. Then we saw a paper placed right next to oven and the recipe is easy so we are sparing you."

With that he walked away from us. As we approached the table we saw a slip kept over the table and there were other small slips over the bowls. Okay this means the ingredients. Get started Ayaan, You should do it well.(A/N: I wish such slips would be in my kitchen too.... Life would have been easier.)

His crazy fake girl (Part 1 of Fake series)Where stories live. Discover now