A Beautiful Minaj Love: The Sequal

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Lyric's POV:

"Scoot in closer together" Nicki says trying to take a picture of me and Gabby. It was after our graduation ceremony and we were all taking pictures and getting the last of our stuff. Nicki took more photos of me with my friends and family. We both took silly pictures together and all.

" Okay we need to go put up our cloths" Gabby says pulling my arm. I went inside with her and inside the building was also our friends Shae, Lexi and Josh along with Travis. I put up my graduation cloth into my locker and closed it.

"Well guys this is it" Lexi says as we all gather into a group.

"I'm gonna miss all of you" Shae says. She's going to a designer school around the country. And the others are also gonna be persuing their dreams as they go away. We all hug eachother and leave. We might of all been sad, but we know it's not the end plus they're coming by my house later for our graduation party. Then that's when we'll be departing. I let Gabby keep walking and i stop and turn before I leave out the doors. "Bye high school" i say. I then leave out the doors and meet up with my mom(Nicki), mom, dad and Gabby.

"Yay!" Nicki says coming up to hug me. "I'm so proud of you" she sqeals out as she sqeezes me tightly in her hug. Gabby was laughing as my dad and mom were just smiling.

"Aren't you gonna hug Gabby?" i asked.

"Already did!" She sqeales out.

"Yeah no thanks" Gabby says.

"Yeah okay, Nicki we have to go to go get ready for the party" i say.

'Oh! Right! " she says letting me go. We all then walk to the car and Nicki drives us to the house. Me and Gabby run upstairs to get ready.

Nicki's POV:

I can tell Lyric and Gabby are ready to get out into the world and explore, but im so proud of them and i'm sure i'm going to miss them alot. Hopefully they miss me. There aren't any other kids in the house, besides them. Gosh! They're not kids anymore! This is gonna be the death of me.

"Umm Nicki" Gabrielle says approaching me.

"Yeah what's up?" i say.

"I just wanted to say you're doing a great job of raising them" she says.

"Oh, thank you! That means alot" i say.

" You're welcome. I just need to say thank you because you were there for Lyric when I wasn't and I bet that makes her love you even more"

" Oh wow, Gabrielle that really means alot. Thank you. I really do try to make her feel as comfortable as possible" i say.

"Yeah. well just know you'd be a great mom if you really were one" she says." Im just gonna go make sure everything is all set up" she says before walking away. I go upstairs to my room and change. Brian was in our bathroom changing as well. As I was changing all I could think about was me and the thought of having a baby. Would I really be a great mom? Brian then walked out of the bathroom with his shirt offf showing his six pack. I couldn't do anything but stare, but I caught myself in time before he noticed.

"You okay babe? You real quiet now" he says to me.

"Yeah, im fine. Just thinking, thats all" i say.

'What? About the kids?" he says chuckling alittle.

"Yeah, something like that" i say in a whisper.

"You ready to go?" he asks holding out his hand.

"Yeah" i say spraying my pink friday perfume on me. We both head downstairs and wait for everyone to arrive.

Gabby's POV:

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