It's Time pt.1

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Nicki's POV:

I woke up and went straight to Lyric and Gabby. I walked them back into my bedroom and told them to sit down after I closed the door.

"Are we in trouble?" Lyric asked.

"No" I said getting things out from my bathroom, "I just need to talk to y'all about the other night."

"If you're trying to give us 'the talk' we already went over it and its too late" Gabby said. I just laughed.

"Gabby I just wanna help. Now tell me you guys used protection right?" I said getting serious.

"Yes, I made sure" Lyric said.

"I did" Gabby said.

"Okay good, you're both smart" I said as they looked at each other and laughed a bit "okay do either one of you have any birth control pills?" I asked. They just looked at me, "uhh, okay. Well here." I said handing them each a pill bottle. "Just follow the directions for them and take them everyday...unless you forget" I said leaving. They just laughed leaving out the room with me.

"Thanks Nic" Lyric said putting them away.

"Welcome" I said. As I was walking downstairs I felt my contractions and they were strong. I held on to the rail of the stairs rubbing my belly groaning at the pain. My mom and Brian heard coming to the bottom of the stairs and then the girls came.

"Baby you okay?" Brian asked coming to my side.

"These fucking contractions hurt!" I yelled. "Hold my hand Brian" I said. He started looking nervous then held it. Another contraction came and I screamed a bit and so did Brian because I squeezed his hand.

"Dad I'll just get you some ice" Lyric said brushing past us. They stopped and I let Brian's hand go.

"Sorry baby" I said going down stairs as he rubbed his hand. He went into the kitchen for the ice. I seen my mom laugh as I walked into the kitchen. I poured some apple juice into a cup and drunk it. I feel like I need a drink. I can drink any myx moscato or wine or alcohol period. Smh, need to keep pushpin through today. Every since yesterday my contractions have been out of control.

"So when were you guys leaving?" I asked. "Y'all never really told me when" I said.

"A few days after the baby is born. We're here for you Nika" my mom said.

"Oh, okay. Good" I said pouring me some more apple juice.

"The more you drink the more you gonna have to use the bathroom" my mom said.

"I go to the bathroom enough as it is." I sorta barked as I felt another contraction.

"Whew, your hormones" Jelani said walking in.

"Ugh, I know. It's these damn contractions though."

"Do you wanna go to the hospital? Just to make sure it's not a false alarm or something." Brian asked.

"Trust me it is not a false alarm." I said putting the juice back then started walking off to go to the living room. "If it was time for me to go into labor I would know" I said sitting on the couch. Everyone laughed and said" yeah okay." I just smiled but right when I did that's when it happen. The thing that made my smile fade away.

"Um, guys its not false". I said.

"If you're tricking us it's not gonna work ms. I would know if its a false alarm or not." Jelani said.

"It's not!" I yelled. "Will someone's lazy ass get up and take me to the damn hospital!?" I said. Then everyone came to me and helped me into the car. I started screaming because of the contractions.

"Omfg! Someone get them out of me!" I yelled. No one noticed I said them on accident. Too busy to get into the car. It's time. Time I can become a real mom.

-yay! ^_^ comment and vote please (;

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