Hold on to me

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Nicki's POV:

I woke up feeling a lot better. And with alot of bears,balloons and cards around me. I sat up slowly and when I looked over to my right both my babies were in their little bins sleeping all cute. I just smiled. After a while of admiring them everyone came in.







Everyone said as they walked in. I laughed and said "family!".

"Where did all this stuff come from?" I asked after everyone got comfortable in the room.

"The crew stopped by after hearing you went into labor". Brian said.

"Awe, and I wasn't up?" I said alittle disappointed.

"Baby you needed that sleep" he said rubbing my forehead.

"I know" I said looking over, "but at least I got my babies." I said then smiled.

"Speaking of babies, why didn't you tell me about us having twins?" He asked.

"To surprise you" I answered.

"Well everything seemed to come as a surprise these last few hours." He said.

"What are their names?" Lyric asked.

"Ooh! I wanted to know too." Gabby said.

"For a girl, Aubrey Nicole Maraj" I said. "When I seen Drake just right before the shower I thought about his real name and just thought of that". I said.

"That's pretty". My mom said.

"And for a boy?" Brian asked.

"It was hard but I came up with Jordan Elijah Maraj".

"That sounds great too honey" my mom said.

"I love them" Brian said. I just looked at him and smiled."just like I love you" he said then kissed me. I swear he can be so sweet and corny at times.

"I can't wait to spoil them and take me home" I said.

"I can't wait to teach them a few things" Lyric said.

"I can't wait to teach them how to know everything and not get in trouble" Gabby said.

"I can't wait for doing anything period" Brian said.

"You ran out ideas for yourself didn't you?" I said.

"Pretty much" he said. Everyone started laughing.

"Ohh I'm a grandma for Nicki's kids finally" she said. I just sighed and looked back at my babies.

"Can someone call Wayne for me?" I asked.

"I can Gabby said getting out her phone".

I just need to clear something off my chest with Wayne. I would do it with Brian but I know it won't be the same.

"He said he'll come after he gets out of a meeting." She said.

"Okay, now can someone tell my doctor Im hungry" I said laughing." Haven't ate in a lot of hours." I said. Brian went out and told them. After waiting they cam back with a ham and cheese sandwich and apple juice and water for me.

"Thank you" I said starting to eat.

Right when I finished the babies woke up. I held Aubrey and then I realized I had to get used to the fact I would have to make bottles and start breastfeeding....if I think that's what I want to do. Brian held Jordan.

"Ohhh! Nicki can I take a picture of y'all and put it on Instagram and twitter!?" Gabby said anxiously.

"Might as well....but"

"But what?" She asked.

"Hello kitty mirror" I said.

"Ugh, you look fine as always" she said handing me it. I fixed myself alittle then we got together and took a picture.

"Make sure it's on mine too" I said. As she uploaded it Wayne walked in.

"I believe the queen ordered I come see her" he said walking in.

"Hey Wayne" I said.

"Sup Nic" he said taking a seat.

"Um, can everyone leave the room for a few minutes" I asked. They just nodded then left. I put Aubrey back down and looked at Wayne.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"Yes, me." I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I've spent years trying to have a family to have kids and I had to actually put up a fight this time." I said.

"Yeah I heard. But you okay now right?"

"Yes but that was scary as hell. I tried hard and long. I actually gave up in between from exhaustion" I said. "But I kept fighting through it and seeing their pretty faces makes me seem alittle guilty I almost did."

"Nicki it's okay. I know it's been a struggle for you. We all know. But you're still living and still a great person. I know you'll be a great mother too."

"Thanks Wayne but I'm about to take on alot of responsibility."

"Nicki you are a successful rapper with your own label, clothing line, perfume, and about to come out with alot of other stuff. I'm sure you can handle this." He said." And you gone have help doing it" he said.

"I just wanna be a great mom, that's all I'm saying really". I smiled at them.

"Look Nic, just stop worrying. You'll be fine. You and Brian". He said.

"Thanks Wayne" I said. He came and hugged me.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too."

"Hey let me know when you go home, me and the crew could stop by".

"They might let me go tomorrow". I said.

"Cool, just let me know." He said.

"Okay, bye" I said as he left. Gabby came back in the room and showed me everything that was going on with twitter and Instagram and how people's blogs were talking about me and the family. Smh, information can travel fast. For the rest of the day I just admired my new born babies and enjoyed my entire family.

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