Don't know

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Brian's POV:

I woke up alittle early and took a shower. Nicki was up when I came out.

"You going to work today?" She asked.

"Yeah, I should be back before it gets too late." I said fixing my tie.

"Ooh, wait, come here" she said hopping off the bed. I walked to her and she fixed it more. After that she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Can you help me bring the babies in here?" She asked.

"Yeah" I answered about to walk away. Nicki had an even strong grip on me. "I'm not carrying you" I said still walking away.

"Oh yes you are" she said then hopped on my back.

"Ugh, Nicki." I said still walking. She kissed the back of my neck.

"Love you" she said laughing. We walked into the nursery room and she got off me picking up Aubrey while I got Jordan. We both grabbed alittle bit of the stuff they were gonna need and put them in their little seats. "Thanks baby" she said handing me my stuff.

"You gonna be okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, unless I get bored I might have some company over"

"Alright, I'll call to check on you later" I said kissing her. She kissed back and I left. I had went into my office and my partner John said I had to get to a meeting with him. I grabbed some note paper and left out with him.

"How's the wife?" He asked.

"Good, yours?"

"Good." He said as walked in and sat down.

"So why do I have to come to this meeting?" I asked.

"Mr. Willis is gonna give someone a promotion. He said he wanted every of the ten top executive producers for this account."

"Why is it so important?" I asked. He just shrugged. Our boss walked into the room.

"Everyone get out your pen and paper and take notes because this is a very important account we need. I'm sure everyone knows the amazing Tracee Taylor. She has directed every single amazing movie, video, advertisements all that stuff that makes people wanna buy things. Brian I'm sure your wife may know her boyfriend at the moment by the name of Benny".

"As in Benny Boom?" I asked.

"Yes" he answered, " and speaking of you and your wife congratulations. And welcome back". He said to me. I just smiled and nodded.

"Thank you sir".

"And also, you will be in charge of getting this account. But you will have some help with everyone else in the office."

"Do I get to object to this...offering?"

"No, now go over these notes before she gets here" he said handing me a stack of paper.

"You got it sir." I said. The meeting was over with that said. John walked back with me to ou office and we each sat at our desk.

"Man, I'll give you all the help you need" he said starting his computer. I just shook my head and started reading.

Gabby's POV:

I was in class and felt like falling asleep. I will be happy when this is over. I had to do a research paper of my physics and chemistry teacher and turn it into him by tomorrow. I need to eat something. I left out the class when it was over and walked out the building. I was about to go into the school parking lot and leave but Mya and Lisa came running towards me.

"Gabby, we need you! Lyric is up in her room bawling her eyes out."

"What!? Why?"

"We don't know. She won't tell us."

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