Secrets to keep

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Nicki's POV:

Brian left out this morning like he did yesterday morning. I put Aubrey and Jordan in a bath in their own tub things and put them on some clothes. I took them downstairs and put them in their seats in the living room. I went back in the kitchen and seen chef putting on his coat.

"Oh hi Chef, you leaving?"

"Yeah. I'm going to go out to get more groceries, you're starting to run low"

"Okay, bye" I said as he left. I got out some baby food and got me a bowl of cereal. I ate and fed the babies at the same time. I had the tv on and a Huggies commercial came on. I wonder if they will move around too much like that. I sat back and watched tv as they messed with their toys.

Lyric's POV:

I barely could sleep last night. I can barely focus in class. During my lunch break I told Gabby to come home with me so I could talk to Nicki about my situation. She came to the door shocked we stopped by.

Nicki's POV:

Okay so a couple hours later Gabby and Lyric came over. I'm shocked and worried because no one said anything about them coming home. I brought them to living room and I got back comfortable on one of the couches. Lyric sat at the other couch while Gabby sat in between Aubrey and Jordan on the floor. And that's odd because she loves playing with them.

"So what's up?" I ask.

Lyric needs to talk to you about something." Gabby said. I looked over to Lyric and she seems out of it. Like I called her name five times.

"Huh? Oh" she said rubbing her head.

"Babe are you okay?" I asked.

"No" she said.

"What's important that you have to talk to me about?" I asked. I sat up getting more concerned.

"I'm pregnant Nicki " she said looking down.

"Wait! What? I thought you said you used protection!" I said getting a little loud.

"I did I swear" she said getting alittle teary eyed. I went over and sat next to her holding her.

"When did you take the test?"

"Yesterday. It said I was positive".

"Did you take another just to make sure?" I asked. She shook her head. "Okay, go upstairs and into my bathroom and look under the cabinet and get the box of pregnancy test I have left over" I said. She slowly got up and went upstairs.

"Why didn't y'all tell me sooner?" I asked Gabby.

"I didn't know until yesterday and I told her to just talk to you about it".

"Okay and just to make sure we have one less pregnant teen do you wanna try to make sure too?" I asked her. She shook her head. "I think you should check".

It took her a minute to think about then Lyric came down with the box. She handed it to me and I handed her and Gabby a test. Might as well make them both take one.

Gabby's POV:

Okay imma take your little pregnancy test Nicki but I hope she feels real salty when I come out negative. Ugh, this is sorta weird to me. I read the directions and did what I had to do then waited. After time was up I was negative. I came out with the test and showed Nicki. She told me to throw it away and wash my hands. I rolled my eyes at her ridiculousness for me.

Nicki's POV:

I knew Gabby wasn't pregnant, I just wanted to mess with her. But at the same time it is good to check and make sure. Lyric came out with her test and she said it was positive again.

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