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(A Day Later)

Nicki's POV:

"Baby make sure I have everything,please" I said as we packed up to leave. I had left out the room. I went ahead and got into the car. My mom was in the car with Aubrey and Jordan. My family went to the house yesterday. So only Brian and mama came back to take me home. The babies were all buckled up and in their car seats. I sat on the passengers side and waited for Brian to come out.

"How you feeling Nika?" My mom asked.

"Good. Mama I was thinking, should I tie my tubes up? I mean I don't think imma get another chance to have kids but I just thought."

"It's your decision. I mean you already got two at once and an adopted almost an adult child" she said. "So it's all up to you baby". She said rubbing my shoulder. I sighed sitting back in my seat. When Brian came out he drove us straight home. I smiled getting out the car. My mom took off the babies seat belts and we carried them inside. Me and Brian decided which would be our favorite. I have Aubrey as my baby and Jordan as his. Yet I will always have my baby boy and he will always have his baby girl. When I walked in everyone was surrounding the door and yelled surprise.

"Thank you" I said laughing a bit. I didn't even notice some of the crew in the back. Now that must of been the surprise. I held Aubrey as I went around and hugged everyone. When I got to Drake we just laughed.

"So you named her Aubrey?" He asked.

"Yes. Remember when we were talking and I said you were her god father? You gave me the idea for her name".

"Am I Jordan's god father too?" He asked holding and shaking Aubrey's hand a little.

"No, Wayne is Jordan's." I said.

"Oh okay, well thanks. Did you like your card and bear?" He asked.

"Oh yeah yeah yeah. It was cute. Thank you for stopping by for me."

"For show. I'm here for you" he said. I hugged him and left to go talk to other people. Me and Brian were just showing our kids off to everyone and enjoying ourselves. The party certainly got my mind off things. When it was over everyone left. Then my family was going to leave the next day. The girls had to go back to school too. It's just gonna be me, Brian and our new borns when everyone is gone. I must of really didn't want an empty house. I went upstairs to put the kids down for bed. For some reason Jordan didn't wanna go to sleep. He was standing up in his crib smiling. Then he fell down and crawled around. I just made him a bottle and gave it to him. It took him a while but he soon settled down and dozed off to bed. He had little milk bubbles on his lip and it seemed so cute to me. I put his bottle down and looked at both my kids.

"Welcome to your new home babies" I whispered kissing their cheeks. I quietly left out the room. Brian was coming up the stairs as I was walking by to go to the room.

"Their sleep?" He asked.

"Yeah. Is everything all good downstairs"

"Yeah" he answered.

"And my family?" I asked.

"Baby don't stress. Everyone and everything is okay" he said. I smiled and walked to the room. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I know you missed that" he whispered in my ear.

"You know nothing" I whispered back to him. We just laughed going into the room. "I can finally sleep comfortable and the way I want to" I said plopping down on the bed. Brian laughed undressing. I got up and went into the bathroom.  I undressed and put on some shorts and a tank top. I went and laid back down. Brian pulled me into his arms and held me. All I remember is him holding me and me dozing off.

Brian's POV:

I held Nicki after she came out the bathroom. She ended up falling asleep which was expected. I just wanted her to not stress and relax. She is back home and we have a new family so I just want her to start off fresh.

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