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I walked over to my bed in my suite, turned on the t.v. and poured a glass to myself, ready to spend another night getting drunk off my ass and falling fast asleep. I had stepped out for a bit to a liquor store to pick up some Brandy for none other then me, myself and I for the night, my bag is packed and ready to go back to New York tomorrow, it's safe to say that flying across the goddamn country was a waste of my time and money, but I guess this whole little trip has taught me a lesson, Amanda and I are definetly done for good, she has made her choice and made it clear to me numerous times, like Thursday when I was getting my ass handed to me by her crackhead of a boyfriend and in the end she was in his arms.. standing by him, I guess certain things never change. I didn't like James from the getgo, him being around Amanda basically ensured that I'd never get her back. But for him to go on and turn her into this whole other person....makes me literally want to kill him, it breaks my heart to be honest...but that's where liquor comes in. I guess the liquor doesn't help all that much though since it just brings back memories of the time I spent with Amanda, and it all just pisses me off so much.

About 2 glasses in and an hour of watching 'Breaking Bad' it was midnight so I decided to strip down to my pajamas (nothing), I lifted my head up barerly getting my shirt off, I bucked my hips while unbuttoning my jeans when I got a knock at my door, "Mr. Downey." I sighed, I got up and slumped over to the door, I opened it to see a women, her name tag read 'Margaret (manager)' "How can I help you Margaret?" she gave a quick smile in between catching her breath, "Um...there is a women here who is looking for you.." my eyes shot open, it has to be Amanda... I peeked out the door and looked down the halls "Where is she?" "Well she was here but then she wandered off and I couldn't get her to stay put..." she leaned in closer and whispered, "I don't mean to be rude sir, but the women was speaking and acting franticly." I sighed and rubbed my forehead, "If you want security can remove her from the premises." I shook my head "No no just point me to where she ran off I'll get her." she pointed to the right, I nodded and shut my door, I walked quickly down the hallway once I was sure the women was gone I jogged "Amanda" I called out but I didn't get any replies. I had to be quiet because I realized that I was basically the only one out in the hall this late at night. I to go down three different hallways just find her reaching for the Exit staircase door. I ran over "Amanda..." she turned and looked at me, she was soaking wet, pieces of her hair were swept across her forehead, she was shivering and her eyes were read, I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug, her body was shivering and wet against my bare chest but I didn't mind. She started to sob into my shoulder, I just rubbed her back and told her she was 'okay'. Eventually she regained herself and I walked her to my room.


*Amanda's POV*

I was sitting on James' sofa as he started setting up some lines for us, his stereo was on and we were kind of just lounging around...we hadn't talked about what hapoened with Robert in my dorm room at all...after Robert left and I got high..we went out to dinner and it was sort of dropped, but I still felt like we should talk about it, and I wanted to talk about it while sober, James handed me a rolled up dollar bill, "Here." I held it in my hand as he rolled up his own, "James.." "Yea babe?" "Why did you get on Robert like that?" He stopped what he was doing and looked at me, "What do you mean?" "Like after you threw him off me you pounced on him and started just....punching the crap out of him...why?" "Because I was protecting you...I heard you yell rape Amanda, regardless...if it was Robert or some random guy...I would have done the same." "Hm...." he sighed and put down his dollar, "What is it?" "I just don't understand why you don't like Robert..I mean I know he is my ex but before we started dating you got in a fight with him, at Ivy's wedding you were watching him, Thursday you got in a fight with him... I don't like that." he looked down at the lines on the table, "Amanda...why was Robert there?"...."He found out about this..." I said while gesturing towards the coke on the table, he shrugged, "So what does that have to do with him?" I sighed.. "I don't know..he said he cares and wanted to make sure I was okay." "And do you know why?" I looked away, "Cus he still loves you...I know it and you know it okay Amanda, that is why I react the way I do. Besides, what he did when you two were dating is horrible, he shouldn't get a second chance or your friendship. He doesn't like me and I obviously don"t like him, what did I ever do for him to not like me huh?" "..I don't know...But that's my choice James." he leaned forward and grabbed his rolled up bill, "Well Amanda you can be friends with whoever you want." he leaned down and snorted a line. He sniffled a bit and blinked really hard, "It's not like I'm in charge of you." he said while leaning back into the sofa, I looked at him...and for the first time, I felt disgusted...with myself, with what I have become, this life I became apart of, and I didn't see James as attractive at the moment not at all, as I looked at him while he glanced at me slowly, I felt bad for him...I felt bad for myself. I looked down at my hands, he reached over and patted my lap. "Your turn babes." he said while glancinn towards the lines, I closed my eyes and sat back...he scooted next to me and put his hand on my lap, "If you don't feel like it it's okay...but you know how you get when you don't have any for awhile." I shrugged and kept my eyes closed, I felt sick to my stomach...and it wasn't a normal sick it was like I was sick of my self. Next thing I knew, James was planting kisses on my jaw as his hand slid up my thigh..I turned my face away but he didn't get the hint...he leaned down and started kissing my neck, he was breathing heavy and when I glanced down I could see he was getting excited, he was pushing himself onto me, I tried to scoot away but he wrapped his arm around my waist. I put my hand on his hand trying to pry it off, "No James..." "Come on baby..." his voice was muffled as he spoke into my neck, I was starting to feel uncomfortable..."James we already talked about this.." he used his hand to spread my legs apart and bring his hand in between them, "I know but we have been together four years...please I want you so bad." he pleaded as he started to kiss my lips. I was getting frustrated he never did this before, I pushed his face away hard, "I said no." I said sternly. He sat back and let out a deep breath, "This is such bullshit dude." he mumbled, I raised an eyebrow and looked at him, "What is?" he looked forward and rsised his hands, "This! We have been together almost four years and you still can't get over Robert..." I tilted my head, "What does this have to do with him?..I...I am over him James." "Oh bullshit, he is the only guy you had sex with Amanda...you guys dated for less then a year and had sex...I've been dating you for 4 years and you push me away all the time... at first I was understanding, but I have needs to and you aren't being fair to me." I knew he was right...I wasn't being fair to him..but I didn't want to admit it...I just can't have sex with James or anyone, like something is stopping me and the thought of it feels wrong, "Do you think Robert hasn't had sex? Seriously just get over it Amanda..." that made me mad, "Shutup James I don't care that's his business." I said while clenching my jaw. "Ah but you wish it was your business...what are you all mad now? You know what just..leave you're selfish." I looked at him confused, "What?" he was getting mad...I was confused cus we never even yelled at eachother he got up and flipped over the tray with the coke on it, "Get out! You still love him..then go stay with him! I'm tired of giving you time and time and being patient! I have treated you like a fucking princess Amanda and you still can't get over that asshole so get the fuck out! I don't need this! I can't believe I stayed this long when all along I knew you still had feelings for him...you have made a fool out of me." I just sat there with my mouth gaped open, everything escalated so quickly..he was yelling and his face was red...apart of me knew it was the drugs in him but still, he was acting crazy. He looked at me while breathing hard, "Well what the fuck are you waiting for?!" he snatched my jacket out of my hand and threw it towards the door, "Get out!" I stood up and put my hand on his arm, "James calm down..you're just upset.. just sit do-" "Don't touch me! Shut the fuck up and get out I don't want to see you here anymore!" ...it got quiet, "Are you breaking up with me?" he looked away...I shoved him, "Answer me! Are you breaking up with me?!" he pointed at me, "Don't push me Amanda." "You're breaking up with me cus I won't fuck you?!" tears started to roll down my cheeks, I pushed him again I was so mad, he just stood there and nodded, "Oh you're such a piece of shit!" I picked up the picture of me and him on his coffee table and threw it at the wall, it shattered into a million pieces, he grabbed me and started pushing me to the door, "Get the fuck out! We are done, I'm fucking done with you Amanda!" I was trying to get away from his grip but he wouldn't let go, he picked up my jacket and opened the door, he flung me out into the apartment hallway and slammed the door shut, I sat out there...how the hell could he just do this to me?! I stood up, I couldn't stop crying, I screamed in frustration and started kicking and banging on the door, "What the fuck!" I started kicking the door,"Give me my fucking purse at least!" A second later the door flung open and he threw my purse at me, "Fuck you! I'll be back for my things!" He turned up the music in his apartment. I just cried and leaned against the door, what am I going to do? I have no money, my credit card is at my dorm, my car is in the student parking lot. I looked in my purse...I had no more coke it was all in his apartment aside from the stash I kept in my room...I walked down the stairs and outside, it's pouring outside like I literally can't see anything throught the rain and all I had to cover up was my leather jacket. I slipped it on and used my purse to cover my head as I quickly walked down the block, "Alright where am gonna go...maybe I can like ask someone for 1.75 for the bus...no I can't.." I got out my phone as I stood under the awning infront of a Walgreens. I called Alicia and there was no answer...I realized she was out of town with her sister...goddamn it. I walked into the Walgreens and kind of just walked around looking through the aisles to pass the time, I should really start keeping some damn money in my bag..I noticed that everyone was looking at me like I was crazy...probably cus I just walked through a fucking storm and I was starting to feel jittery.. I could really use some coke right now. I walked up to the cashier, "Hey...um do you know where The Westin is?" the women nodded, "Yea when you walk out of here just walk straight down praire about 6 blocks down, you make a left and then you will come to a big intersection and there is the Westin." "Thank you." I walked out of Walgreens and started my walk...the rain still hadn't let up and I had to walk a few blocks short of a mile.

As I walked into The Westin I was freezing shivering and aware that I probably looked like complete shit. Everyone was kind of giving me these weird snobbish looks and I just bee lined it straight to the front desk. The man looked taken aback

by me which I actually took offence to like what the hell it's not like I have the fucking plague? "Can you tell me the room number of Robert Downey Jr ?" the man looked at me and shook his head, "Um no we aren't authorized to give that information unless they leave us a message saying they are expecting someone...but I can check if he left us a message." I rolled my eyes, "No ...he doesn't know I'm here, or that I came to see him or will see hi- look can you just give me his damn room number he knows me he told me he was staying here." The guy shook his head "Sorry miss." "Yea sorry sorry get your manager." I was gettig so frustrated at everything and everyone and people were just watching me. He didn't take me serious and just looked at me, "Well should I get the manager myself?!" he jumped over to the phone and called her. I just looked around the lobby...these people are ridiculous like what the fuck why can't they just give me his room number, I'm not some murderer? A women walked up to the desk and the guy whispered something in her ear, she walked up to me, "Hello what seem's to be the problem?" "Yea I need the room number of someone and your bellboy or whatever is giving me a hard time." she nodded, "Yes...I understand that miss but you have to understand we can't just give that out if it wasn't requested by the person staying with us...are you sure he didn't list your name with the front desk?" "Yes! I'm sure!" I shouted everyone looked at us and she smiled awkwardly, "It's ok..." I started to cry..James had a point...when I don't have coke it's like I'm going through menopause seriously I get so emotional and mad... "Maybe we can go up and see if he wants to see you?" I cried and nodded, she put her hand on my back and led me to the elevator. Once we reached his door, I don't even know what I was doing..I started to cry even harder, I just walked away I needed to find an exit...what am I thinking going to Robert? He probably hates me...I would hate me...I can't count on him to always save me it's not fair...he has probably moved on...Jude did tell me about him and some girl, I need to forget him, I shouldn't have come here. I found the Emergency exit staircase and quickly walked over I reached for the door handle and heard his voice, "Amanda..." I looked up to him putting his hand on my arm, I looked at his eyes and he looked so worried, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him, I layed my head on his shoulder and wept..and instead of him hating me like I suspected he would..he rubbed my back comforting me, as I walked behind him while he held my hand and lead me to his room I realized that he was shirtless...and he still looked good and fit as if he hadn't aged at all.


I've already started the next chapter sooooo maybe it'll be done by later on tonight! So tell me what you all think VOTE-COMMENT please&thank you:)

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