|A Series of events|

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He pulled out a small black velvet box from his sweater pocket, "I've loved you for five years and I'm going to keep on loving you till the wheels fall off... Will you cure my insanity and marry me?"

My mouth had a mind of it's own, "No."

"What?..." his face dropped.

Everyone around us gasped, "ofcourse you goof!"

"... You're sure?" he smiled.

"I've never been more sure of anything."

"I love you." he kissed my forehead and hugged me so tight.

Everyone on the plane started clapping and yelling, I had forgotten that we were surrounded by people to be totally honest.

He got back up and sat down next to me, "I'm still trying to process that you just did that."

"Do you like the ring?"

I hadn't even looked at the ring!

I glanced down at it, "Robert!"

It was beautiful and huge and really expensive I'm sure.

"Before you tell me it's too much, don't. I wasn't going to get you something from Wal-mart."

I couldn't help but laugh.. "Thank you it's beautiful, but regardless of what you got me... I still would say yes." He squeezed my hand and gave me a long warm kiss.

Thoughout the rest of the flight we were congratulated by people, and I was glowing I could feel it, I had a huge grin plastered on my face all cause by Robert and I couldn't be more grateful. As I watched him walk over to get our luggage in the pick up zone, I realized just how grateful I am for everything he's do e and continues to do. My past with James is still there of course but it feels like hazy dream compared to what I am now, happy.

The months began to fly by, Robert's birthday had passed, he was now 44. As always it didn't bother us, the age difference. Maybe because he doesn't exactly act his age. People who meet him first time around assume he's at least in his mid thirties.

I texted Robert as I made my way through campus, I had two weeks left here at University and I was being considered as a film editing intern at Paramount Pictures, every year two year they took two students from USC, UCLA, and NYFA.. I guess the decision breaker would be my final project, I was going to need to go above and beyond but how?

I was asking Robert for some ideas, he was pretty excited about the whole intern thing, my phone vibrated but it wasn't Robert, it was a a random number.




"Yea it's me."

What the fuck.

"Um what phone are you calling from and why are you calling?"

The attitude in my voice was obvious. I didn't have time for this I had class to get to.

"I got a new phone, which means new number."

Ok why the fuck are you calling me though moron?

I stayed silent.

"..I hear you're having a baby, two if I'm not mistaken."

Yea, and there's no way in hell they could be his so what the fuck does he care?

"Yes I am. Where did you 'hear' this from exactly?"

"When are you due?"

Or don't answer my question.

"Two months."

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