|This Time It's Different|

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I'm silently having a panic attack as I wait for Kathy to answer the door. It literally took minutes for me to push the doorbell.

I can hear footsteps shuffling down the stairs and I literally am losing my cool. Fuck me! I wish Amanda could atleast be here with me when I tell her but nope, I'm completely on my own here. The wonders of what her reaction will be are endless, I pray they will atleast be positive. Cus shit, I've never had to break this kind of news to anyones mom before and even so, my past with this situation isn't so great. 

The sound of the door being unlocked shatters my anxiety, and I can't help but bite my lip and twiddle my thumbs like some kind of shmuck on the door step. To my suprise, Kathy isn't answering the door or Kassy. It's a man.  I can feel the confusion on my face.

"Uh.." I take a second to step back and look at the house address.

Yep, sure as shit, this is Amanda's old house

"Can I help you?"

I smile awkwardly and stick out my hand.

"Hopefully. I'm Robert, is Kathy home?"

Literally a second later I see Kathy walk down stairs, "Honey, who was at the door?"

"Hi." I chirp.

She looks up and immiedetly smiles. "Robert, oh my god! What a suprise, it's great to see you! Come in! Come in!"

I smile and nod while stepping in, she has noooo clue she's about to be a Grandma.

And ofcourse Amanda didn't call and give her a heads up of my company or anything.

I follow her to the living room where she gestures for me to take a seat, "This is Craig, my boyfriend."

I smile and shake his hand, "Good to meet you."

"Craig, this is Robert he's Amanda's boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you to."

he smiles.

She sits down across from me with Craig, "So, what do I owe this visit to? Shouldn't you be over on the west coast?"

It's time to spill the beans.

"Actually I was around the area this weekend, and Amanda wanted me to share something with you."

Her and Craig looked at eachother,

"Oh? What is it?"

"We are pregnant.. I mean Amanda is pregnant. We are expecting a boy."

There was an eary silence.

I was holding my breath.

I knew I shouldn't have said it.

Amanda should have said it.


If Kathy could at least breath right now.. that would ease me nerves, but there was nothing from either of them.

Finally, she looked at me with no emotion at all.

"Please don't tell me this is like b-"

"No... No Kathy this is nothing like before. It honestly just happened this time. I wasn't trying and she wasn't trying."

She let out a sigh of reief and smiled. "Come here and hug me!"

She stood up and pulled me into a hug, I could feel the weight fall from my shoulders knowing she was accepting this.

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