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I ran my hand over my stomach as I stood infront of the full-length mirror, "Do you think it's noticeable yet?" Robert sat on his suitcase as he zippered the otherside, I could see him look at me through the mirror, "Well there is just a tiny difference but that's because I'm actually looking at it and know it's there...why don't you want anyone to know yet?" he asked as he came up behind me and wrapped his hands around me and on my stomach, "It's not that I don't want anyone to know..I feel like it's Chris and Emily's time they are getting married, I don't want to take any of the attention from them or anything...we should wait until we atleast know the sex." he nodded and kissed my shoulder, "Whatever you're comfortable with honey." I smiled and turned to look at our suitcase's by his hotel room door, "Well I guess we should get going our flight will be leaving soon."

It's safe to say Robert and I had been pretty busy recently, I just finished my finals so I'm on Winter break and so is Robert.. Chris and Emily's wedding is this Sunday December 23rd...and since Emily's bachelorette party and Chris's bachelor party is tomorrow Robert called off work because tomorrow is Friday anyways and we should be in New York by 11pm tonight. I've never been to a bachelorette party so I'm a bit nervous, but I do think it was nice of Chris to invite Robert to his and for Emily to invite me to hers. I'd be lying if I said I'm not worried about there being strippers at Chris's party..I trust Robert but no girl wants her boyfriend watching and having sexy half naked girls dance all over him.

Robert and I are the only ones who know about the baby still...I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell anyone. I've only had two ultra sounds and I've known about the pregnancy since November 10th. I had my second ultra sound on December 12th..and my next one is scheduled for January 11th..I really hope this time they will be able to tell me what we're having, Robert is like so sure that it's a boy but I don't think so...he's so excited it's adorable. We have only looked at two houses so far since he met with a realtor but they were "too small" apparently for his liking but I'm happy with anything he gives me.

It was already midnight by the time we left the airport, we decided to just take a taxi and stay at Jude's house for the night. "How come we didn't go to your house?" I asked Robert as I lay my head down on his shoulder. "Because it's empty, all my stuff is in a storage unit...well a couple of storage units." I looked at him shocked, "What? when did that happen?" "About a couple weeks ago, Jude came and looked over the movers every couple hours to make sure everything was moved properly. When we find and buy our house all my stuff will be shipped over to California." I smiled, I love that he knows exactly what to do...James was always so clueless and wasn't that sharp minded, sure he was smart but Robert is a go getter and I love that.

I looked at my surroundings as we waited for Jude to answer the door, "Ya know, I've really missed the snow." There is about an inch or two of snow on the ground...I love the snow but the freezing cold air, not so much." As Jude answered the door I noticed the caterpillar that had attached itself onto his upper lip, "Oh my god Robert.... " "Hey guys!" Jude exclaimed...he's always so chipper, I couldn't stop looking at his mustache. I stepped inside as Robert followed behind me with our bags, "You're both probably tired so Rob you know where the guest room is, we can all talk and stuff tomorrow, I'm pretty tired myself." I smiled and Robert nodded as he lead the way upstairs and into a simple bedroom down the hall from Jude's room. "Is Tara here?" I whispered as Robert silently closed the bedroom door, "I don't know..he she hasn't moved in with him yet."

I walked over and sprawled out on the bed not bothering to change my clothes, "I'm so tired...I just want to lay here and never get back up." I felt so drowsy. Robert stood at the foot of the bed and slowly untied my shoes and took them off, I glanced at him underneath my arm, "Have I ever told you I love you?" he smirks and nodds his head. Just when I thought he was done and I could go to sleep, he leans over the bed and unbuckles my jeans and pulls them off one leg at a time...I watch him suspiciously..'if he thinks he's gonna get some right now he is crazy.' He leaves me with my t-shirt on, to my suprise and removes all his clothes until he's clad in his boxers. He turns off the lights and crawls into bed bringing the covers over us and wrapping his arm around my waist. Suddenly I feel his arm tense over me, I grab his forearm, "What's wrong?" "I just realized something..." he sounds pissed, "What?" "James is probably going to be at the bachelor party.." I totally forgot that Chris and James were like brothers at some point. "No....I don't think so, I told Chris all about what James said and did, he was really shocked and dissapointed. I don't think he invited him...BUT even if he did I want you to behave yourself." "We'll see.." he grumbled. I turned around so I could face him, "Rob I'm serious...this is Chris and Emily's weekend, don't be that asshole that ruins it because you hate James so much." he sighed.."If he looks at me wrong or says anything thing then there will be a problem." "And if there are strippers too you better behave yourself!" he chuckled and shook his head, "Babe I'm not one of those guys that finds them attractive...actually I think they are kinda degrading and sad...yea they are hot but it's like 'You get paid to act sleazy and dress like a whore, don't touch me.'" I couldn't stop myself from laughing. He kissed my forehead.. "You have nothing to worry about ever. I love you." I smiled and drifted to sleep.

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