|The Truth Always Comes Out|

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I walked back out to the bedroom after gathering myself, Robert set down his phone and had a sexy smile plastered on his face one that said, 'I'm about to get it in.' I followed his lusty eyes as they trailed up and down my body, I was well aware that I was still completely naked and not long ago we were seconds away from finally being with eachother again. I stopped at the foot of the bed, he patted the spot next to him and bit his lip. I looked down and twidled my thumbs, "Robert....I need you to take me to my dorm, I need to get dressed..." he sat up, the blanket sitting just below his belly button, "Were you really that nervous? We don't ha-" "No Robert not that....I just got a phone call, James overdosed." I said while looking for the clothes that Robert had given me the night before, he sat there with a blank look on his face, "So what does that have to do with you?" I sighed and looked at him, "Robert what if it's cus of me?! He's lucky to still be alive anyone who overdoses and makes it is lucky to be alive." he rolled his eyes and laid back with a pissed off face, "He's the one who kicked you out as if you were some dog, I refuse to go." he said while crossing his arms over his chest, "And I refuse to take you there." I put on my bra and underwear and walked over to him, "Robert p-" "No." he said while looking ahead avoiding eye contact, I sat down at the edge of the bed and put my hand on his chest, "Robert I'm the only one on his emergency contact list...I'm the only one that he has here, he has been asking for me, they are sending him into rehab, I atleast need to see what he wants." he sighed "I already know what he wants, you." I looked down, Robert still layed there looking across the room. I leaned down and rested my chin on his chest, "Robert please." he glance down at me, "Amanda he is no good for you, friendship wise and boyfriend wise...can you olease just forget that call and get back in bed with me?" he sounded like a sad little boy... "I'm not even gonna take long." I complained, he grunted and got out of bed and walked to his suitcase butt naked, "Fine, I'll take you for a little bit.. then we go, I'm not going in the room with you. And I swear to god if he get's out of line or tries to make you do anything, bring him anything..I will go in there and tear him a new asshole and you won't stop me, got it?" I nodded and smirked at his back turned to me, "Still got that ass I see." "Shutup." he said over his shoulder, I snickered on the bed as he grabbed a pair of boxer briefs and started putting them on, I looked at him and my cheeks were hot, he glanced up at me and I looked away, "I know you were looking." I got up and started grabbing some clothes, "So!?" he smirked, "Sooo don't act like you don't like what you see." I rolled my eyes and started getting dressed, "Why would I like seeing an old mans junk flop around anyway." I muttered and went into the bathroom before he could say anything. Once I was ready I walked back out and he was sitting on the bed waiting for me, he was wearing a grey v-neck with dark blue jeans and grey adidas gym shoes. I walked past him and he stood up, I went over to the mini kitchen and started looking for something to eat, "I would choose my words wisely if I were you." he whispered, his voice husky and warm on my ear, my body started to heat up, as his hand slid down the middle of my back all the way to my butt and stopped. He leaned over the counter and grabbed an apple and bit into it while looking me in the eyes, "Ooo I'm so scared?" I said while cocking an eyebrow.. he shrugged, "I don't wanna hear you complaining then when I don't take it easy on you later." he said while giving me a wink and walking away. I didn't say anything else...the sexual tension in me right now was at an all time, seriously.

After we ate we were ready to go we walked down to his rental car and went on our way, I took deep breaths thinking of everything that could possibly happen, why would he even ask for me after what he said? After what he did? I looked over to Robert, he was concentrating on the rhode but saw me look over in the corner of his eye, "I don't feel comfortable about this." he said quietly, "I know..." I sighed, "But..we were together for four years, that's a long time." "Yea that is a long time and then for him to go and do what he did to you?" he said while shaking his head, I put my hand on his as they tightened around the steering wheel, "Robert I just want to clarify some things with him and see why he wants to see me, that is it." he was quiet for a bit, "What if he wants you back?" he said quitely. "He probably does..." I said while looking out the window, "Do you want him back though?" I looked down... "I don't think so.." he shifted in his seat and kept on driving.

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