|White Wedding|

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Jude came to pick me up from Chris and Emily's house, Robert and all the guys were on their way back from Philadelphia. Brenda woke everyone up at like 5am today because Emily and the bridesmaids needed to get ready. I didn't expect to be made a bridesmaid or anything...I mean Emily and I aren't that close, and I really didn't want to be given that role either to be honest.

"Thanks again Jude...I know this is probably really early for you." He looked beyond tired. "Yea it is, but it's alright I don't mind." I looked at the mustache on his upper lip as he drove....'stop starring! You're being so rude Amanda!' I couldn't look away, it looked so fluffy, I was hypnotized. "Soo...how long have you been growing that thing?" "About a month now...Tara calls it the porn stache." I laughed so hard, "She's kinda right." he looked at me, "You don't like it either?!" I shrugged, "Hey whatever floats your boat Jude! Let's just say if Robert tried that, I'd shave it off in his sleep." he chuckled, "Robert used to have one just like mine except darker..." "Oh god " "Yup...it's definetly a better look on me." I find that hard to believe, that mustache would look awful on ANYONE.

"Jude I'm gonna jump in the shower!" I shouted as he went back to his bedroom probably to go back to sleep, I walked down the hallway to find the bathroom door closed, I opened it...the lights were on and the shower was running...I saw Robert's clothes on the edge of the sink. I took off my clothes and got in the shower. His back was facing me, "How along ago did you get here?" I asked as I reached over for some shampoo, no answer..."Babe?" I put my hand on his shoulder, and he turned around..water running down his tense face, "Whoa, what's wrong?" He was giving me a weird look... "I'm going to ask you this only once and I want the truth." I furrowed my eyebrows, what's his problem? "Am I the only person you've had sex with?" Where is this coming from?? "What?" He looked annoyed now, "Have you had any other mans dick inside you other then mine?" he said with spite. "What the fuck? No! You know that...I told you you're the only one." "Yesterday night Chris got really drunk...not only did he tell me that you two made out once, but that you two also had sex once."


"Chris and I never had sex, we never even did anything sexual, why would he say that?!" He raised a brow..."So you two never kissed or anything?" Wait, "Well...we kissed like once.." I could see the disapointment on his face, "But that was it!" "When was it?" "I think it was while we were broken up and you saw me at that club and I went home with you that night." "Why didn't you tell me?" "I don't know...I just...we weren't even together Robert." he bit his lip and looked down, "Hey...I love you and only you."..he was still silent..ugh god dammit Chris why the fuck did you say that....I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach, "We are having a baby, and I wouldn't want to have anyone else's baby but yours...I'm inlove with you ok? It was just a kiss that happened four years ago." He rubbed his hand across my stomach before wrapping his arms around me and giving me a tight hug. I honestly love this, being so close to him, it literally makes me feel whole when he hugs me like this. "I missed you.." He mumbled against my head, "I missed you to." He pecked me on the lips as I leaned over to grab the conditioner, he took it from my hands and squeezed some into his palm, "Turn around." I did and I could feel his fingers as they massaged the conditioner into my hair , "Your hair has gotten longer." I rolled my eyes, "Don't remind me." he chuckled and slowly ran his hands down over my shoulders, he grazed his fingers down my back until they reached my butt, he grasped onto one cheek with one hand and grabbed onto my waist with the other pulling me closer to him. "No Rob." he planted a trail of kisses on my shoulder, "Stop.." I could feel him smirk against my skin, "You don't want me to stop." He had a point.. "We have to go soon." I protested..He started kissing my other shoulder, I could feel his erection growing and pressing against my back, uff who am i kidding I can't resist him. He pulled me back under the water and washed all the conditioner out of my hair, as soon as I was sure it was all out I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. Robert turned off the shower too, I was about to wrap the towel around myself when he yanked it from my hands, "Hey! Get your own towel!" He gave me a suggestive smile and dropped the towel, I turned around and walked out the bathroom and to my suitcase next to the bed. I buckled my bra and put on some undies, I felt his fingers graze my back as he unclasped my bra, "Robert I'm being serious." He slid the straps off my shoulders and kissed my neck, "I haven't had you in two days.." "You do know that soon we aren't going to be having sex anymore?" He gasped like I just said something horrible, "What?! Why!?" I turned to look at him, "Once my stomach gets bigger there will be no more of that until the babys born." "Are you serious?" "Does it not bother you that our babies in there?" He frowned, "Well..that's one way to turn me off." he walked over to his suitcase and got dressed, "Whatever you're gonna be begging me to give it to you, you'll seeee." I couldn't help but laugh, "What makes you think that?" "Everyone knows women get crazy horny during pregnancy, it's just a matter of time now until you're throwing yourself at me honey." The sas is unreal, "Sure Robert, whatever you think."

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