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Grace's attitude towards me knowing that I'm her dad suprisingly eased up my nerves.

I walked downstairs to find her leaning on Glenn sitting up on his arm rest, reading the cartoons in the newspaper. I got an immiediate feeling that she was close to these people...I started to feel sad wondering what it must feel like to be in her situation, I'm sorry she has to go through this all...all because of Liliann.

I took a seat across from Liliann and Margeret, Liliann was still giving me that look but I just shrugged her off.

Margeret was able to sense the tension and she asked a bit about my life in California and what I do for a living, the real shock came when I told her I was a drama teacher and that I used to teach at Jericho Valley, Grace nearly fell jumping off the arm rest.

"I knew it! I knew you looked familiar!" obviously I was bewildered.

She sat down next to me all bubbly, "My school took us on a field trip to see a play at Jericho Valley two years ago, I remember I saw you come in with a class to watch the play!"

I was suprised, "Well isn't that ironic? Was it the Grease play?"

"Yea! That one!" Glenn and Margeret looked at eachother and smiled, "Well isn't that somethin' Liliann?" Glenn chuckled. I glanced from Grace to Liliann to see her look at me with sad eyes and nod.

She looks like she feels like shit. Good.

Not long after that, Grace mentioned that she was hungry, so I thought it'd be a good idea to take her out for pizza or something.

We walked back in through the back porch after Grace gave me a tour of her high quality home made treehouse that Glenn built her for her 9th birthday. I asked Margeret if it was okay if I had Grace back home in an hour or two and she was fine with it, and off we went.

I didn't even consider asking Liliann if she wanted to tag along, I'm not in the mood at all to even be near her with out having the urge to rip her face off, I'm glad she wasn't in the room when we left.

I watched Grace as she gawked at Jude's car. "Woah look at you speedracer." she joked while looking over Jude's GTO. "Yea, it's not my car, my good friend let me borrow it. This has nothing on my car." she rolled her eyes and slumped down in the passenger seat while I shut her door.

I caught her eye while I was driving, "Yes?" I glanced at her. "How come you didn't invite Liliann?" I mentally cursed, how do I tell her without calling Liliann every name in the book?

"The thing is, Liliann and I aren't exactly on great terms right now, well mainly me with her. I think if I invited her, it would have ruined my mood, and I don't want you to be around that kid. It's complex...you'll understand whe-" 

"I know you're mad about her never telling you about me existing." she said sharply.


"Did she tell you about that?"

"No, but I'm also not blind or mentally incapable of common sense."

Double oh.

I literally couldn't hide my smile, she's clever. 

"Alright Gracie, tell me what ya know."  she sat up on her knee and looked at me, "Well, I know that when she had me, you two were broken up, I know that you to got back together and married after she found my adoption parents. I know that you didn't know about me, and I know that if you did know, then I would have met you a long time ago, instead of now... but I'm okay with it."

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