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We are having twins.

Not one... but two.


A pair.

"How did this even happen!?"

Robert exclaimed as we sat still in his car just outside the hospital.

"Clearly, sex." I mumbled.

He glares at me before cracking and laughing along with me.

I sigh as we drive off, "Penny for your thoughts?" he grabs my hand and pulls it over onto his lap.

My thoughts?

"... I'm happy."



"So you aren't worried?"

"Hell yeah I am, I've gotta push them both out of me. I'm terrified. But I did plan on having my kids close in age group anyway, so this works out for the best."

He chuckled, "Those nurses probably think I'm some shmuck."

It was my turn to laugh, "Probably, your face was pretty priceless."

He took a long sigh and smiled, "Welp, have fun telling your mother the new news."


"It was not that bad c'mon."

"It wasn't, but there were so many questions, and your dad showed up. That was not apart of the plan."

"I didn't even know he had Kassy for the weekends.." I looked down at my lap.



"Look at me." I did.

"Do you feel like you're missing out on things with your family?"

"Yea, I miss them sometimes. But my life is here now. I just need to check in with them more often."

"It's okay to feel that way.."


"Pink isn't the only color a girl can have Rob. Don't be sexist." I rolled my eyes at his crouched body, he was looking at the pink paint cans, there had to be 200 shades of pink here.

"Well than what color do you suggest?" he mumbled while standing up.

"Yellow, Green, Torquise, it doesn't have to be pink."

"They are going to share a room?"


"Well we should pick a unisex color."

We walked up and down the aisles of colors until we came across a light pastel green. "I really like this one Rob, it's not to girly and it's not to boyish, it's neutral."

I reached and grabbed the handle but my grip was loose and in a second the can was open on the tile ground, paint was everywhere... well everywhere except me.

"Jesus Amanda." Robert sighed.

I couldn't stop laughing, paint was all over his work shoes, atleast it didn't get on his slacks.

He knelt down to pick up the can, I took my chance to walk away, I mean I wasn't going to clean that up?

"Amanda get over here."

He hissed, just as an employee, 'Keith' walked up to him I walked behind Robert rubbing his shoulder.

"Honey, you're so clumsy." I had to hold back my laugh, I could feel his glare.

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