|Bonafide Family|

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I, being the independent hard headed woman I am, protested that I'd be fine with the twins alone for four days.

Since I'm officially graduated from University and opted to get my diploma in the mail, between giving birth and being on bed rest there was no way I could make it to graduate on stage, which wasn't as big of a deal as I thought it was. Robert ended his school year as well and it couldn't have happened soon enough.

  The twins were two months old now and total handful. As if we didn't have enough on our plates, Robert was in New York prepping Grace for her move to California with us. Summer is halfway over for them and Grace was so excited for her move and she also voiced how excited she was to help me with the twins which in all reality I was looking forward to myself. I couldn't be more excited for Gracie to join us don't get me wrong but we were way in over our heads and although she's eager to help me, she's still a kid, teenager at that.

My mom did fly in and stay with us the first month after they were born, which was a huge help. I was clueless, it's safe to say I'm still clueless and rolling with the punches but she gave me loads of advice that I'm sure I've forgotten since I'm so sleep deprived. Just when I get Czar to sleep Winona let's out a toe curling cry at least once throughout every night and from then on it's back and forth with them until 6am. She left me with all these helpful new mom books but honestly I can barerly find the time to bathe my self let alone read a book.

As I was breastfeeding the twins, Robert called me on FaceTime for the 8th time today already.

Robert: "Heyooooo how are my angels?"

I could see he was sitting in his rental car and had just shut the door. Grace was sitting passenger with her birthday present in her lap, a male Jack Russell Terrier naked Miles and behind them were boxes on top of boxes, all Graces belongings.

"We're doing great babe, just great."

I gritted as Czar was totally squeezing the life out of my nipple. Why didn't anybody ever worn me how painful this is?

Robert: "I see, you can't wait for me to get home." He winked and Grace gagged.

We both laughed, "Are you on your way to the airport?"

Robert: "We sure are, gotta drop off the last of Gracies stuff to be shipped and we will be boarding the plane in 2 hours."

"Thank god. Ok I'll see you guys soon hun be careful love you both, I gotta put the twins down for their nap."

Robert & Grace: "Love you too, smell ya later!"

I rolled my eyes as I hung up FaceTime and got up, cradling the twins.

Yeah she is definitely Rob's mini-me.

I kissed Czar and Winona as I put them in their nursery.

"Let's hope you two don't turn out being his mini me's too."

***1 Year & Some Months Later ***

A typical morning in our house was me waking up at 4am, changing the twins diapers so they don't get diaper rash from wearing the same one through out the night. If they wake up then they are with me through the rest of the morning, but most of the time they fall right back to sleep. They are 15 months old, I don't know if it's walking but I'll say they definitely waddle around all day until they are pooped and sometimes literally. Their energy is unreal I don't know what Rob would do with out me.

I shower and at about 6am I'm waking Robert and Grace up.

Of course they have alarms and as soon as they go off I'm convinced they slam down on the off button in unison.
It's almost like I live with two sets of twins.

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