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"I just feel like this is my fault Amanda.. "

I caught Chris when he was getting ready to leave Jericho for the day...I told him everything that happened with James, at first he couldn't believe it but...eventually he was caught up with everything.

"How?" "Because I'm the one who introduced you two..I'm the one who brought you and him together...I can't believe he did that to you..James has been like a brother to me for years, now that I know how he treated you, I really just lost alot of respect for him now, and he's in rehab still or what?" I sighed, "Chris don't blame yourself..there's no way you could have known the shit we were gonna get into. There's no way any of us could have known he would have cheated on me and said what he said.. and I talked to him yesterday, he gets out of rehab this Friday." He watched me as I twidled my thumbs, "He.. wants to see me, like go out for dinner and talk." ..."Well are you going to?"..."I don't know...I haven't talked about it with Rob yet." he scoffed, "I already know what Rob's reaction to that will be." I frowned, "Me too." we walked out of his room and he got out his keys to lock the door, "Do you think James is really gonna stay clean Amanda?" "Well, that's what he said to me..he said after going through withdrawal reality hit him pretty hard." Chris looked at me, "Would you ever take him back?" I shook my head "No... and I know I shouldn't but apart of me still cares about James...he was my bestfriend for four years, In California all we really had was eachother, all our time was spent with eachother..I really did love him...I thought we were going to get married and all that shit once I graduate. But now that I saw a side of him that I never seen before...I realized he's not right for me, he cheated on me and I can never trust him again, Robert brought me back to my old self...I honestly think if it weren't for Robert coming to me...I would be dead by now." Chris shook his head, "Don't say that Amanda it's not funny." "No no I'm serious..after James threw me out things could have gone completely bad Chris...I'm sure that if Rob wasn't there I would have overdosed or done something horrible, I was just a wreck." we walked down the hall, "So you're all clean now?" "Yes. It's been three weeks since I last did anything." he smiled and patted my back, "That's good...don't go back to that, I'd hate to lose you over something like drugs...you're to good for that life style Amanda....does anyone else know?" "Umm my mom...I told her everything when I got here, Jude Robert's best friend and Jude's girlfriend. That's basically it." We stopped at the intersection of the hallways, he had to go to the parking lot and I had to go back to Robert's class. He looked down at me and smirked, "Ya know...apart of me always held a bit of a grudge towards Robert for what he did, and we stayed out of eachothers way here at Jericho...when he came to my apartment at like one in the morning asking for your information on where you dorm.. I thought he had seriously lost it, and when I saw you two show up hand in hand on your birthday...I wasn't exactly thrilled about the idea of him being given another chance." "I know I could tell by your face." he nodded.."But...well lets be honest he's the reason you're standing here healthy and better now...so..I gueeeeess Robert isn't really on my shit list anymore." he smirked and I hugged him, "Let's just hope he doesn't do something stupid like last time again." I pulled away, "He won't...I think we are different now, our relationship..Hey! what are you doing like right after you get outta here?" "Well..I'm gonna go pick up Emily from work..why?" "We don't need to be at the airport till seven so we are going out to dinner with Josh and Ivy...you and Emily can come and join us before we head back to California." he smiled, "Alright I'll tell Emily, text me the info alright?" "Yea." He gave me a soft hug, "I'll see you in a bit." he turned and walked down the hallway, 'yep..he's still the same old Chris.'

I made my way to Robert's room, I was so excited and I don't even know why! Just like...whenever we are apart..when we come back togrther I start to feel hyper and happy, it's probably called being inlove.

The door was closed halfway, I pushed it open slightly enough to see the whole thing...Robert leaning back on his desk with his arms wrapped tightly around Marilyn's arms..her lips on his mouth and him just standing there..'Maybe this is just like one of those things when she kisses him and he pushes her away and tells her that wasn't okay...just hold on.' I wish that was true, instead they stayed in a tight embrace and her lips were tightly.on his...there was no sign of him pushing her of.."Robert?.." I said quietly, I had to remember my surroundings....'no we are not home we are at Jericho Valley, my old high schoool...Robert's old job...there are still teachers and students present close to the area...you can yell and scream as much as you want when you get his ass in the car.' He pulled away and looked at me so fast I'm suprised he didn't broken his neck, his arms dropped to his sides, and Marilyn stepped away and looked at Robert...she looked nervous. My fists clenched purerly on instinct...'just stay calm Amanda.' I took a deep breath and walked in and closed his door, "Amanda.." Robert sounded scared..and I don't blame him. "What the hell is going on?" Robert stepped away from Marilyn and walked towards me, "First.. why didn't you push her off?" He opened his mouth to speak but didn't say anything.."Have...have you been cheating on me...with her?" Marilyn stepped forward, "No no this is my fault..he hasn't been cheating, I kissed him and I shouldn't have..I-I should go." "Yea you shouldn't have but ya did. He should have pushed you away....but he didn't."

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