|Percussion & Coffee ~2|

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I was laying in Robert's bed like he told me to..he had been gone for almost an hour. I was getting so impatient..like why couldn't I go?

When he came home he closed the front door really hard..letting me know he was here, I got out of bed and walked over to the top of the stairs. No one was there, "Rob?" I called out. No one answered me...I was getting a little creeped out. I turned around and went back into his bedroom to find Robert laying on his side posed like a model waiting for me on the bed. I smiled, "Oh my god you scared m-...." I stopped talking and sat next to him, "This is a joke..." he looked at me and shook his head.


Okay I exagerated..he wasn't bald...but he had a buzz cut. I put my hand on top of his head, "Why? Why did you cut your hair?" he shrugged and put his hand on my knee, "I felt bad about dropping my gum in yours..so I thought if you had to cut off your hair then so should I." He sat up and I got a better look at his haircut, I started laughing... "This is so weird...I'm so used to your crazy hair." he frowned, "Am I not purty anymore?" I laughed even harder, "Don't worry you will always be purty in my eyes." he grinned and kissed me on the cheek.

He layed his head back and sighed and closed his eyes "Welp...my conscience is now clear." I softly scratched his head, "You have a conscience?" he looked up at me with a serious face, "Watch it Ms. DeAngelo." I laughed, "But no seriously...I felt really bad about it babe, I don't like when your mad at me." "And I don't like when you make me made at you." "Toùche."

I had been wanting to talk about this for a while, I just didn't know how Robert would feel about it.... "Robert?" "Yes darling?"...there was a long pause...he sat up next to me on the edge of the bed and held my hand, he looked worried now, "What is it?" ..."Do you ever think about what could have been?" "Like...between us or?" ...."If I didn't have a miscarriage..if we actually had that baby." he let out deep breath, "To be honest...I used to think about it alot...probably to much for my own good. I blamed myself..for all of it..." I shook my head, "Robert it's not your fault I had a miscarriage." he looked down at my hands in his "But...sometimes I feel like it is." "It's not your fault Sam found me...it"s not your fault he kidnapped me, it's not your fault that I got shot...everything happens for a reason, maybe you and I just....weren't supposed to be parents at that time. I believe in fate and maybe everything was supposed to happen the way it did so that we can be where we are now." he sounded frustrated, "But it was my fault Amanda...you don't know how many times I've replayed everything that happened in my mind. It's my fault you got pregnant in the first place, it was so damn selfish of me I hate myself for doing that to you. What your brother said to me was right..I could have ruined your life, I was supposed to protect you." he looked up at me and his eyes were glassy now, "I promised you I would never let Sam hurt you again and I failed, if I wouldn't have been such a over protective insensative asshole in the car then we never would have faught, we would have been talking or texting or something instead of us being mad at eachother. I deserved to get shot..not you, and if I wasn't tied up in that fucking chair I would have jumped infront of that bullet in a heartbeat." I saw a tear slide down his cheek, he looked down, I didn't like the way this conversation was going at all...I didn't like seeing Robert like this, he is not to blame for what happened. I whiped away the tear on his cheek, "You can't blame yourself for everything Robert." I whispered...I moved onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, he put his head on my shoulder and held onto my waist, we were in a tight embrace for a couple minutes.. I heard him sniffle a bit, "If we did end up having that baby...I would have made you my wife, and we would of had a beautiful baby and I would have been the best father and husband to you that I could be.." I smiled, "And when you started school, from time to time I would take off work to take care of the baby so that you could get what you needed to get done in peace...andddd I would cook you dinner, I would take you and the baby out on picnics and we would go on family vacations.." Robert was just to much, I had no doubt in my mind that he would be a perfect dad and husband. I kissed his cheek and looked at him, "I love you." he took my hand and brought it up to his lips kissing my knuckles, "Amanda..." 'Yes?" "Do you think... that you would ever marry me?" I hadn't even thought about that and I honestly didn't know......"I...I don't know, I mean do you think you would want to get married again after your marriage with Liliann?" "Amanda, you're the only person I can see myself doing that again with. Nobody else. After Liliann and I split I thought 'Well fuck that.'...But you changed my mind about everything." I thought about it...Robert and I haven't even been back together for that long... "In the future....I can see us being married, but um, I think right now we just need to focus on maintaining a good relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend.." he nodded and smiled, "I know I just always wondered if you could ever picture us being married like I can." he kissed my cheek and I hugged him, "Robert....do you think that, we could go and um, see Charlie today...We leave tomorrow and we won't have time to because you'll be getting all your things together from Jericho." he rubbed my back and looked at me, "Ofcourse we can."

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