|What now?|

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We sat in his car quietly in the hospital parking lot. I didn't say anything to him and he didn't say anything to me, I was shocked to be honest that James cheated on me, like how didn't I find out?..But I wasn't really hurt, and I didn't feel like crying or anything it was kind of just like 'oh well it happened either way I'm movin on'. Robert looked at me silently, "Are you okay?" I nodded, "Yea actually I'm fine. I feel like I just got alot off my chest ya know?" he smirked..."I understand that." he started driving, "When he was saying all that to you...I was so close to just walking over and ending it all for him on that bed..but I'm sorta glad I didn't." I raised a brow, "Oh how come?" "Because then I wouldn't have heard what you said.." I looked away, "When I called him a loser?" "Noooo the other stuff." he said knowingly, I looked down because I started to blush, "Hm, don't know what you're talking about." We came up to a red light and he leaned over, "Don't play coy, I heard all of that sweet stuff you said." his voice was husky while kissing my cheek. I leaned into him, "Oh that stuff." he smiled and leaned back to his side, while grabbing my hand and interlacing our finger, "Yea...and I feel the same. I love you Amanda." I smiled and looked at him, "I know." he smirked and started driving again.

It was nice holding his hand and being lovey dovey but I knew that we were gonna have to talk about some things. We drove back to the hotel, were he he just walked into the room and sprawled out on the bed, "Will you go out to dinner with me tonight?" he asked while looking at the ceiling, I smiled and layed next to him, "Sure why not." I turned on my side and looked at him..."So are you just going to like keep on staying in this suite?" he sighed and sat up. "Honestly, I don't know. I mean I have vacation days saved up that can last me about 14 more days here but...eventually I have to go back." I didn't show it but the thought of him being away hurt me. He noticed that I hadn't responded and hovered over me, "Ofcourse to get my belongings." A smile krept on my face and he smirked, "You would move here?" he shrugged "Why not?" he smiled as he beamed down at me..."But I'm not done with Uni...and I live in a dorm..I don't want you to leave your home and stuff for me, that's not fair." he brought his hand up and rubbed my cheek with his thumb, "Well..." he started, "What do you want me to do darling?" I smiled and shrugged, "I guess whatever makes you happy. But then again whatever's fair." he nodded his head and bit his lip, "Right , then it's settled. I'm moving here!" he exclaimed, "You're crazy you know that?" "Crazy for youuuu." he said while winking at me, I shook my head and laughed, "It's sad how cheesy that was." He shrugged, "I try." He leaned down and kissed me deeply, our tongues danced until I grew short of breath, he dipped his head into my neck and started to suck on my soft spot, "Robert..." "mhm?" "You don't have anything with anyone back home?" I asked quietly...he lifted his head from my neck and looked at me...the lust in his eyes was gone now, I felt bad for ruining our little moment but I had to know. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and leaned down on one arm, "Well you know about Marilyn...but we aren't actually dating." I furrowed my eyebrows..."Then what are you?" he thought about it, "I'd say we are more like friends with benefits...without the sex though!" he added quickly, I guess cus he saw my face drop. "Oh.. so why aren't you with her?" there was a tinge of jealousy in my voice and I'm sure Robert could sense it. "I mean she has feelings for me, she has told me about them...and I'm not going to lie, there were some feelings for her...but not stronger then the one's I had for you, not strong enough to make her my girlfriend. Amanda I love you..and this may sound strange but even all that time you were gone, there was apart of me that knew one day we would be together again...I guess I didn't want to risk that by starting a serious relationship with Marilyn." I looked at him skeptically, "But you still decided to be friends with benefits?" he sighed, "Well I mean we didn't decide it together like I didn't sit down and say, 'look we are never dating let's just hookup..' just from time to time we kissed, or held hands or stuff like that you know?" I avoided his eyes, "For how long?" "Like two years." I raised an eyebrow "Two years?!" I tried to sit up but he put his arm down and stayed on top of me, "Amanda..you can't get mad at me...you dated James for four years...you were actually in a relationship with someone..I wasn't. I....I waited for you." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I knew he was right. "Don't be mad with me." he whispered before leaning back down and kissing my neck. "How did you meet Marilyn?" he sighed and sat back up, "Sorry I just want to know." I said with a shrug..."Well um, I..I met her at..work." he stammered, "Wait what?" I looked at him..."I met her at work." "So you got with another student?" my voice raised abit...he shook his head, "Oh no no....Marilyn is a teacher...Marilyn Morris, Ms. Morris.." I tried to think back...'who was that U heard that name before?' then I remembered..the teacher who was so obviousky flirting with him during his break once..."So you lied to me before...you have always liked her?" "No Amanda I honestly didn't I just thought she was nice but then something's led to another and she told me about her feelings and I started to grow some too." he looked worried... I nodded my head and sat up, "Well, you should start getting ready for dinner." he sat there and looked up at me, "Now you don't want to go out to dinner with me? Dammit..Amanda if I would hav-" "Shush..we are going to dinner, but my clothes are back at my dorm sooo you should get dressed then take me home, I'll get dressed real quick and then we will be on our way." he smiled and nodded alright then.

I watched him as he took out allllll of his clothes from his suitcase...and trust me there were alot, "Didn't you only plan on staying for like two days?" I asked while sitting on the bed, he pulled his shirt off with one hand and threw it at me, "So?" I laughed..."Holycrap you're worse then a girl when it comes to clothes Robert." he paused while taking off his pants, "Don't be jealous." he shot me a wink. I rolled my eyes and layed back. "Amanda how's this?" "Fine." "You didn't even look at me!" he whined, "I did but it was so fast you didn't see it." he walked over and stood inbetween my legs, I opened my eyes to see him standing there with his hands on my thighs, "Haven't we been in this position before?" I asked while looking at his hands, he smirked, "Sexually? Yea plenty of times." I rolled my eyes..."I'm not talking about that." he chuckled, "Oh you mean me asking you if what I'm wearing looks good?" "Yep." "Well I don't want to look like a bum!" I smiled "Robert...you always look fine." he smirked, "Fine....or sexy." I sat up and looked at him. "Don't push it. Let's go." I said while pecking him on the lips we grabbed my things ands went on our way to my dorm.


I knoww this chapter was boring. What do you guys think will happen between them tonight and at dinner? (; next chapter will be up later tonight! VOTE-COMMENT please&thank you. <3

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