|Love is...|

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"Robert. I want sex, now."

I threw my head back and sighed against the airplane seat.

He smirked, "Remember when I told you pregnant women get crazy hormonal and you blew me off? Well I was right. It's happening. Just go to sleep."

I was so grouchy, he had a point but I didn't care, "I'm so uncomfortable, this is no seat for a pregnant person, I should fucking sue."

The lady sitting across the aisle glanced at me, and I starred at her until she looked away.

Robert was chuckling next to me, "Go to sleep babe, we will land soon."

"Robert I can't sleep!" It's three in the afternoon!"

He sighed, "Just calm down, we are all restless to get off this plane too."

I closed my eyes for a bit, but I couldn't get the thought out of my head, "Rob.."

He turned the page of his magazine, "Yea?"

"What if Grace doesn't like me.."

He closed his magazine and looked at me, "Why wouldn't she?"

"I don't know, maybe because I'm not her mom and I'm carrying your other kids."

"Honey, Grace is excited to meet you, I talked to her about everything already, she understands that Liliann and I just weren't ment for eachother. Just be yourself and I'm sure she will love you."

I nodded, but inside I couldn't shake the nerves.

About forty minutes later the plane landed and we went to pick up our luggage and met my mom out by the front of the airport.

She pulled me into the tightest hug, "You look great, you're growing so fast!"

She rubbed my belly, "It's just fat mom."

She laughed and pulled Robert into a hug.

"You're staying at the house right?"

I looked at Robert and nodded, "Yea our flight back home is Sunday night."

She glanced at me as she drove, "So are you excited to meet.. what's her name? Grace ? Tomorrow?"

"Yea it's Grace, and yea I'm anxious to meet her."

By the time we got to my old house, I was exhausted, Robert walked me up to our room and I went straight to sleep.

*Robert's POV*

I waited until I was sure Amanda was asleep to go down stairs and talk to Kathy about everything.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down next to her at the coffee table, "Alright sooo, tomorrow is Grace's birthday party at Lorenzo'z restraunt, Sunday is the baby shower, you sent out the invites already right?"

Kathy nodded, "Yea I sent those out about two weeks ago, most of our family is coming."

"Alright, well Jude is coming with Tara and bringing his girlfriend, Chris and Emily are coming, Josh and Ivy are coming, I don't know if they are bringing Olivia or got a babysitter.

She nodded. "Right! Well, I'm gonna head to the store and get somethings for the shower, anything in mind?"

"No, I've never really planned one of these but here. It's all on me." I handed her my credit card.

She shook her head, "Rob, no I've got it. You have alot of upcoming things to pay. I still can't get over the fact I'm going to have two grand babies."

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