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It's been about two weeks since I last used. My withdrawal lasted about three days, and yes..it sucked, there was alot of vomit and mood swings, Robert even had to force feed me because I wouldn't even look at food. I still managed to get to class but as soon as it ended I'd go straight back to my dorm where Robert would be waiting for me and I'd rest all day. It's crazy, going through withdrawal has actually made me start to think 'Holyshit I never want to drugs again.' Seriously..it's hell I'm lucky it was short for me.

Robert texted me while I was in class telling me he had two suprises for me. So of course I rushed back to my dorm but he was acting like normal sitting on the sofa watching t.v. I walked over and blocked the t.v. "Excuse you, I was watching that!" "What is it?" he gave me a blank stare, "What is what?" "The suprise?" his face turned into a boyish smile, "Oh so that's why you're back so fast." he got up and walked to the kitchen, I followed close behind, "Well?" "Well what?" he said as he started taking out some bread and ham, "Oh my god will you tell me! You know suprises make me anxious." he smirked while making his sandwich, "That's what"s fun about it." He finished making his sandwich and put everything away, he leaned against the counter and just looked at me and took a bite out of his sandwich. What the fuck? I just looked at him, "Ya know it's rude to stare at people when they're eating.." he said with a mouth full of bread, "Ya know it's rude to talk with food in your mouth." he smirked, "Toùche." he just kept eating as if I weren't there, "I'm going to take that damn sandwich and throw it in the trash if you don't tell me." he raised a brow at me, "First of all, you will not lay a finger on my sammich okay booboo?" there was so much fake attitude in his voice, I started laughing... "Second of all, um where's my kiss?" I rolled my eyes and kissed him on the cheek, "Ok now what is it?!" he chuckled, "That was not a kiss sweetheart." I glared at him and kissed him on the lips, he stuffed the rest of his sandwich in his mouth, and looked at me "Mm... actually..I think I should hold off on telling you till your birthday...it is this weekend." I walked up to him, "What? No! Tell me now!" he chuckled and put his hands on my hips, "Well...I quit my job." my face dropped and I put my hands up to his chest, "What?" he nodded, "Yea I did it, I quit." I paused for a second, "What?! Are you crazy? Now you don't have a job! Do you even have money saved away for yourself?" I turned around, "No no no we need to go call your boss and get your job back!" he grabbed my wrist and turned me around..."Calm down baby... I only quit because I got a new job here, whatdya think I'm some kind of idiot?" I looked at him, "Really? Where.." "I got a teaching job at the highschool 20 minutes away from here. I've been on the hunt while you were in class...all of these places said I was hired, because of my degrees and experience but this one isn't so far away and it's nicer, so I went with it." I started to smile, "So you are really gonna live here?!" "Yes. For now I'll continue to stay at The Westin and I'll sell the house in New York and get one over here." I jumped on him wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist, "Oh my god, I'm so happy you're staying!" he hugged me tightly, and chuckled, "Buuuut There's one more thing." he whispered, "What?" I pulled back and looked at him.. he bit his lip, "Welll..I-" "Wow I'm suprised you're arms aren't giving out on you old man." I interupted while looking down to his arms that were holding me up. Before I knew it he lifted me over his shoulder and wrapped one arm around my thighs, "How dare you interrupt me?" I started laughing, "Then you call me an old man!" he smacked my butt before throwing me on to my bed, "Obviously I need to take you to the gun show again, since you've forgotten how swole I am." I started laughing so hard as I lay back watching him at the edge of my bed, he flexed his arms. "Okay Rambo...continue what you were saying." he scoffed and turned around, "As if I would grace you with the information I hold again...pft." he said in a british accent, I sighed, "I didn't mean to, c'monnnnn please tell me." he stopped and looked at me seriously, "Well...if you insist." he skipped back over to the bed, "You're sooo weird. Why are you so weird?" I ask as he got comfy next to me, "Why are you so....not..weird?" "Ya got me there." I sighed. "ok...well...as I was saying BEFORE I WAS BLATANTLY INTERRUPTED." he yelled, I rolled my eyes he saw it and smirked... "I kinda... sorta... might of...did, bookusticketstoflytomanhattan fridaymorning!"..."Huh? Repeat that?" he sat up, "You.Me.Tickets.Airplane.Friday Morning.Manhattan.Birthday Weekend. Birthday Sex Yes?....Yes." he had the biggest smile on his face...my face dropped, "You're kidding me right?" "Uh No...aren't you happy about that?" To be honest I didn't know how to feel about it, I got off the bed and went over to the sofa. "I wouldn't mind just spending time with you though." he came over, worry sketched all over his face and crouched down infront of me, "I know baby but your family and friends want to be with you on your birthday too they want to see you and I need to pick up stuff from Jericho and things from my house anyway...I just thought it'd be a nice suprise since the last time you visited was for Josh and Ivy's wedding, and you don't have class or anything Friday...I just..I thought it'd be good to go away for a weekend. I thought....you would like it." Aw he was like a sad puppy, I nodded, "Okay... you know what it's okay thank you." "Are you sure? I can cancel the tickets..." "No..it'll be great celebrating my birthday back home with everyone, You're right. Thank you it's really sweet." I smiled to reassure him that I was happy with the plans, but honestly. I didn't know what to think of it...it's nice and thoughtful of Robert, I swear I love him to pieces...but alot has happened and Im not sure if I want to deal with all the questions about James..they are gonna want to know the whole truth and I'm not sure if I want to come clean to them about everything.

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