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I hung up.

Yes, I hung up on Liliann. I have literally no time for her silly bullshit. I don't give a shit what she says, for her to come to me with this drama at a time like this is just fucking typical. She's lying. What she said doesn't even make sense, does she think I'm that stupid?

I put my phone on silent and back in my pocket, I need to finish moving everything, and I'm not about to discuss this bullshit story with her infront of all these guys because I just might have to yell at her.

The movers helped me reassemble some of the furniture like the bed and tables. It took more than an hour to get the sofa through the door, I was ready to just tell them to leave it there stuck in the door way, I was so done. We made another trip to the storage unit and that was the last one, all my belongings were now in my house and I payed off the storage unit owner and tipped the movers for helping me so much. Amanda will be getting out of school soon, and she's going to be coming straight over here. Her University is like 30 minutes away and my job is just 40 minutes away not to far from downtown, it's not that bad. I decided to call Liliann back before Amanda gets here. I had 40 missed calls in the last two hours.

Holy shit.

"Robert?" "I'm gonna give you five minutes to explain youself." "Robert don't b-" "The clock is ticking Liliann." she huffed. "Remember...we dated for four years before getting married?" "Yes I remember, then we were married for eight years." "Remember during our third year dating together...remember when you broke up with me for about a little over a year?" "Yea because I felt like we needed a break." "Okay..we had sex the week before you broke up with me...and I think that was when it happened." "So you're saying that when I broke up with you..you were pregnant and you didn't tell me?" My blood is boiling... "I didn't tell you because I didn't even know I was pregnant until like my third month! I was still getting my periods! The doctors told me that happens all the time! And by that time into our break up you were off with other girls every weekend..you didn't even talk to me anymore and I was hurt because you were moving on so fast." She's right...I guess you can say I use to be a man whore... "I had the baby.. and I gave her up for adoption...two months after I gave her up, you and I got back together."


"Why didn't you fucking tell me? What is your fucking problem? Are you crazy!? I can't even like form a fucking uff.."

Deep breaths Rob, deep breaths.

"Okay. Liliann. Why didn't you tell me even after we got back together?" "Because...I thought it would push you away..I just got you back I didn't want to scare you or anything, you have no idea how hard it was seeing you going out with all those girls.." "I can't believe this..the timing could not be worse..you fucking kept this from me our entire marriage? How could you do that to me? You knew how badly I want a kid! A daughter at that! I thought you were infertile?! Was that a fucking lie too?" "No..there were complications with her birth the doctors told me that it would be hard for me to get pregnant again and that if I did I probably wouldn't be able to carry it full term."

I can't believe this...

"You mean you knew that if we tried to conceive you would have a miscarriage? You knew you couldn't have a baby and you still let me go on and try multiple times..and blame myself when we failed? When you had your miscarriage and the doctors told us you were infertile.. I was in the room with you when he told you and you fucking played stupid!? Your tears were fake?" she was sobbing now on the other end, "I'm sorry I didn't wanna los-" "You're a bitch." she paused, "Wh-what?"

"You heard me..you're a bitch. You're a self absorbed, selfish, nauseating lonely bitch. Divorcing from you has to be one the best decisions I've made in my whole 44 years of existance. I hate you so much right now, I always treated you right...even after our divorce when Jude talked shit about you I did nothing but defend you, but you know what? You deserve everything everyone ever said about you.. I regret spending so many years with you, I have half a mind to fly over there and fucking disembowel you."... "Robert..I know your mad..." "HA! No, I'm fucking past mad, mad was when you called me two hours ago. Do you have the slightest clue of the mess you've created? I have a baby on the way, I just bought a house...I don't even live in New York amymore, I have a new life over here..and you're fucking ruining this one too with your fucking selfish ignorance, you sicken me." "Do you think I wanted this to happen?! Do you think I wanted to tell you? Finding Jude and getting your number was hard enough!" I stood up, I was yelling now, the neighbors are probably thinking some psychopath moved in next door.. "Don't you fucking yell at me, this is all YOUR fault sweetheart, this was you! You fucked up here not me! So don't fucking tell me about how fucking hard it was for you cus I couldn't give a fuck less right now!" I took a deep shaky breath and she stayed silent, I need to calm down.

"So...what now...why are you calling and telling me now?" .. "She reached out to me..her adoption mom died from cancer." "Have you been keeping in contact with her?" "No.. but I always left my information with her adoption parents incase she ever wanted to know who I was...I figured she deserved to atleast know that if she wanted to...she called me and I met her for the first time two days ago at her grandparents house...they can't take care of her Robert..they are too old.".. "What about the dad?" "Him and the wife divorced four years ago..it's just been Grace and her mom." "...Her name is Grace?" "Yes...I named her that..." "I-I told you while we were dating that if I ever had a daughter I would name her Grace..".. "I know..that's why I gave her that name, I wanted her to have a piece of you."

This is to much for me right now...

"I can't deal with this..this is to much to take in at once." I sat down and held my head in my hand, "How old is she?" "13...her birthday is March 26th." She's going to be 14 in two months... "Does...does she want to meet me?"... "Yes, that's why I'm calling you..I told her about us.. and why I gave her up and how you and I ended up getting back together...she's really mature Robert, and she's so funny..she was asking where you were and if she would get to meet you." "Stop....just stop, I don't know what to do?" "Do you want to meet her?" "Ofcoarse..I just...I need to talk to Amanda." "Who's that?" "My girlfriend..."

She stayed quiet... "Who is she going to live with now that her other mom is gone?" "Me...her grandparents are signing her over to me because they know they are to old to take care of her." "Does Grace even want to be with you?" "Yes..that's why she reached out to me." "But you're not even married?" "I don't care. Grace is our daughter and she's going to live with me now, I'm going to be the mother I should have been..you need to meet her Robert." "I know I do..I just have alot going on right noe at the moment..." "Why cus your girlfriends pregnant?" she said it with so much spite. "Yes and not only that but I was going to propose to her soon, you picked a bad piece of timing to lay your mistake on me." that shut her up. "I'll call you tomorrow when I have an answer." "Okay" she mumbled..I hung up and tossed my phone on the box infront of me...

What am I going to do?


Here's a short update (;

What should Robert do?



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BTW There's a picture of Robert and Amanda's house on the side:)

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