|Not A Pleasant Suprise|

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I backed away to the other side of the room and pulled my shirt down, I took a deep breath and held my chest... "Are you fucking crazy?! You scared the shit out of me! What are you doing here?!" he just sat there smugly looking around my room and I was still freaking out, he was wearing a long-sleeve plaid white/blue shirt tucked in and buttoned up to the collar with dark jeans and nike's. I stopped checking him out to meet his gaze and find a smirk on his lips, "How did you even get in here?" I said while looking ar the door and window in the room to check that they weren't broken or anything. He got up and calmly walked over to me, I walked backwards until I bumped into Alicia's bed and almost fell back on the bed.. he caught my wrist and pulled me up from falling back, "Relax." I looked at him skeptically before softening up, that's the effect his big brown puppy eyes have on me, I shrugged them off and gave him a hard look again, "What are you doing here Robert?" he looked at me closely, as if he was trying to read or find something on my face, I was confused, "Why are you looking at me all weird?" he abruptly turned around and walked to my purse and started opening it. "Uhm excuse you!" I walked over and snatched my purse from his grip, "What are you doing?" "Are you high?" he looked at me with frustration and an eyebrow raised, "What? No?...how do you even know about- I mean why are you even asking-" "Don't lie to me Amanda." he cut me off sternly..."What the fuck? First of all what are you even doing in my room? Why are you even in California?!" "Let me look in your purse." I clutched onto my purse, "No." what's with him and my damn purse all of a sudden? I walked past him and to my bed, he walked close behind me, "Amanda let me see your purse right now or I will take it from you myself." I scoffed, that was humorous to me, "Oh will you?" I said while shooting him a glare. He gave me the 'don't test me look' but I didn't care. "Why are you here..if you don't tell me this time I will call the campus police." he cleared his throat, "I heard you're doing drugs." I looked at him, I panicked a bit inside, "You 'heard'? From who?" "Don't worry about that, the point is are you?" I shrugged and sat down, "What's it to you if I am?" I saw a flash of anger in his eyes and he clenched his jaw, "Amanda I am not playing with you, are you or not?" I looked at him a bit shocked at the sound of his voice and shook my head, "Are you telling the truth?" I nodded. "So what Tara told Jude was a lie then?" I furroweded my eyebrows, "Who's Tara?" "Tara...Jude's girlfriend? He told me he ran into you at The Viper Room and he introduced you to her?" Damn I didn't even remember that part of the night.. "Erm...Possibly. I don't remember." he looked at me blankly, "Amanda that was three days ago, how could you not remember?" I didn't say anything, "Unless you were high and that's why you can't remeber?" I pressed my lips together and looked down, "You came all the way from New York just to see if I am doing drugs?" he nodded "Why didn't you just call like a normal person?" "Because I care." he said while giving me a hurt look. I sighed and got up, "Well that's nice of you but you didn't have to go through all the trouble, I'm clean. It was nice seeing you I guess." I said while grabbing his suitcase and avoiding eye contact. His face softened and he stepped infront of me, putting his hand on my hand that was holding onto his suitcase handle. Inside I felt so bad and guilty.. I literally felt like the biggest piece of shit. He came all the way from New York just to see if I was okay and I couldn't tell him, I had never lied to Robert or hid anything from him...but I couldn't tell him this...I just couldn't the look on his face when he thought I did was practically enough to kill me. I didn't know what he would think of me but I know he would be disapointed, for some reason my pride just didn't want to let Robert know about my bad habit, the fact that I do cocaine just to feel okay isn't exactly something I want to go parading around. If that ment lieing to Robert....then so be it.

He hooked his finger under my chin and lifted my gaze to his. I looked into his eyes and he looked hurt. He brought his hand up and caressed my cheek. I leaned into his hand and closed my eyes, I've missed his touch, it was enough to send chills up my spine. He tilted his head and looked at me, "Amanda...what has happened to you..." he said quietly. I put on a fake sad smile.... "What do you mean?" "You look tired...you're pale, you're so...thin." I looked down...I still couldn't tell him, he pressed his foreheard against mine..."Just tell me...let me help you please." his voice was so pained..I shook my head, "I'm fine." I whispered. He brought both hands up and cupped my face in his hands, "Lying is a bad trait Amanda." as soon as he said that I got flashbacks of when he used to say that to me...back when I tried to ignore my attraction to him. He leaned in, I could feel his breath on my lips and before I knew it his lips were pressed aginst mine and we were moving in sync, I completely forgot about James.. or Alicia possibly coming back or the fact that James was supposed.to be coming to get me sometime soon to take me out to dinner, and that I wasn't supposed to be kissing Robert, my ex. He slowly layed me down while hovering over me never breaking the kiss on my bed. He was ontop of me with both hands at the sides of my head and his knee propping him up. He then did something completely unexpected, he took both of my hands from behind his neck and held them down together above my head while pulling away from my lips, and with his other hand grabbed my purse which I had set down on my bed next to us, it was already halfway open, he grabbed it from the bottom and tipped it over, dropping everything in my purse onto my bed, I tried to break my hands free or move him off me with my knees but I couldn't he was too strong , I managed to get a death grip on the collar of his shirt and pulled him lower towards me..his head was next to mine and I wouldn't let go, "Stop." he said inbetween the struggle but I wouldn't let go of his shirt, I could hear the sound of the seems in his shirt ripping apart because he was pulling away from me with all his strength, if we weren't in this situation I probably would have been laughing at how we were basically wrestling eachother. "No you stop!" I retorted. He brought his lower body up and sat on me. I let go of his shirt and tryed to push him off, "Get off you're crushing me!" "No! I know you're lying and thanks for calling me fat!" he grabbed my hands as I started to slap his chest, "Get off or I will scream!! I threatened, he turned around and looked at everything that fell from my purse as I squirmed around underneath him, "Get off me!! Help!! Uh Rape! Help!" I yelled, "Stop it!" he snapped at me, I looked at him in shock and didn't say anything else. I kept pushing but he wouldn't budge, the door opened and before I knew it James grabbed Robert by the collar and threw him off of me. I gasped...because I was shocked and because I could finally breath, Robert didn't look like it but he was a heavy guy. James got on top of him and started wailing on him, I got up pulled James off him, "Stop just stop!" he turned and looked at me, "He was on top of you Amanda I heard you yell rape!" I didn't know what to say "He wasn't raping me, I just wanted him to get off me." Robert sat up, his lip was bleeding. "You made her this way didn't you?" he said while glaring at James and breathing heavily. James got up and fixed his shirt, "What the fuck are you talking about?" Robert stood up and took the baggy that James had given me a couple days ago out of his pocket..I kept it in my purse in case I needed some on the go. "How did he get that?" James looked at me, I was at a loss for words, "My purse...that's why he was on top of me." Robert was just glaring at me breathing heavy. "Amanda..how could you do this? Don't you know this will kill you? Why are you doing this? You don't need it." I looked down, ashamed at myself.."Robert...you'll never understand..." there was a pause, "Yea you're right...I won't. I won't ever understand what happened to the old you. Why you let this fuck turn you into a fucking junkie." he looked at James as he rubbed my shoulder and held me next to him, his voice grew quiet, "I won't ever understand why you chose him....over me." Then I understood that maybe....I wasn't the only one who wasn't over 'us'. "If you ever come near her again, I won't stop when I'm asked to." James said as he gave Robert a death look. Robert kept his eyes on me and pursed his lips.. he tossed James the bag of coke while walking to his suitcase, "Yea well you don't have to worry about that ever again." Robert walked to the door and opened it, he looked at me his jaw was clenched, he looked so hurt and disapointed, "If you want to see me...I will be staying at The Westin until Sunday." with that he left. James pulled me closer and I layed my head against his chest, "It's okay baby he's not gonna bother you anymore."..."James he wasn't bothering me...." I started to cry... "Shh it's okay.." he held me closer and even though I wanted to, I couldn't pull away from James' hold. I felt wrong..like I should have followed Robert, or said anything. But soon James set up two lines to console me..and it wouldn't be long until I forgot the sadness that over took me and enjoyed my high.  


I am SO sorry that I haven't uploaded in a couple days. Remember how I said I couldn't find a job and that I was gonna spend my summer writing? Well I ended up getting called for a job...so I have been going to meetings and stuff like that so haven't had time to actually sit down and write. But there will be another chapter up tonight because I owe you all that! I am going to be starting my other RDJ fanfic too because I'm excited about that one but not until after I'm settled in my job. Please give me ideas and I love all of your comments. This story has been up for a week and already akmost has 1,000 reads. I just hope you all enjoy it.  

VOTE-COMMENT please&thankyou :)<3 btw I noticed alot of you are still rooting for "Romanda" lol does ANYONE like James?  

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