|Percussion & Coffee ~1|

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My eyes fluttered open to the sight of a peaceful Robert sound asleep, his head was tilted towards me.. he looked so cute..his jaw was covered with fresh salt n' pepper stubble, his hair was ruffled but still looked so soft as a few short strands fell over his forehead. His hand was rested over his belly button and his other arm was flung over his head, my eyes scanned down his body to the thin sheet covering his manliness, while his leg was sticking out to the side uncovered...'he's hot even in his sleep.' I moved out of bed quietly and looked around, all I could see in reach was my dress and I was not gonna put that back on. I went to his dresser feeling the ache from last nights activities....I'm pretty sure that was the best sex Robert and I ever had with eachother and the best sex I ever had period...yea, I'm sure. He was the first to ever go down on me...I was shocked..he never did that before and I'm thankful he did cus holyshit it was amazing..I always thought that would be weird or uncomfortable but he knew exactly what to do.

I opened his dresser slowly, I found his underwear, everything was folded it was so neat..I opened the next drawer and found his socks all folded and colour cordinated...'Jeez I'm not even that organized.' I opened another drawer and found his t-shirts..'Perfect.' I grabbed his 'Metallica' Tee and pulled it on, it went down just under my butt..eh it'll do.. I crept out of his room and into the hallway. I walked downstairs, the sun was shining in through all the windows...I glanced at the clock in the front entrance, '1 p.m.' Damn, and he's still knocked out. I went over to the kitchen and looked through all his drawers...just because I was bored, I found a bag of pretzels and decided to look around the house. I walked with the pretzels into his living room...it still looked the same, like literally every picture, each piece of art..it hadn't even moved. I strolled over to his 'office' Den and peeped in...for some reason it felt like that was a 'no-no' place for me..Probably because I remember my dad had his own Den and that was off limits to everyone, even my mom. Robert never told me I wasn't allowed in his den but that was like his special room...which made me want to go in there even more, so I did. It hadn't changed..I did notice that he got a new laptop though, I looked at his desk and next to his laptop was a small framed picture of Robert and I laughing at what seemed to be my graduation? I grabbed it and looked closer, there was a small horizontal crack going through the glass..I wonder how that happened? We looked so happy. My mom must of taken it when we were off guard and she probably showed it to him. My mom's the type that takes a dozen pictures of like every important moment in someones life and gets a bunch of copies made for family and stuff..she's so cheesy, but I actually liked this picture and the fact that he kept it right there. I set it back down and went back to looking around, I saw a door that was close to the staircase, 'I don't think I've been in there.' I opened the door and nearly fell and died realizing that there was a staircase that went down..I dropped my pretzel's, 'Aw fuck.' Some of them fell out of the bag..I just pushed them and they fell behind the stairs...who cares they're just pretzels. I was able to find the lights, I realized that this was his basement..'yup I definetly never been down here,' there was a dusty pool table against the wall...'why would he keep this down here it's so nice?' He obviously doesn't use it, it's all dusty. I turned around and noticed something big...there was a cover over it but it's obvious that this thing was wide. I took off the dusty cover and saw a full essembled Ludwig drumset with a huge red ribbon tied in the front. "Woah." It was probably one the greatest things I've ever seen, I sat on the seat and put down my bag of pretzels while grabbing one of the sticks...'Why does he just have this drumset sitting down here?' I looked at one of the sticks...uff I wanted to play so badly. When I was in my early teens I learned how to play the drums and fell inlove with them...but my mom would never buy me a set because of it was to much "noise." I ran my finger on the bottom part of the sticks and felt writing. I looked closer at them, "Amanda." was carved in it. I could tell Robert didn't do it because it was to precise, which means he got it specially done..'Wow he got this for me? This was for me?! Why?! When!? Why didn't he tell me! Oh I want to play it.' I sat down the sticks and jogged back up stairs, I sprinted up to his bedroom, I could see through the doorway that he was still sprawled out sleeping. I didn't stop runnng till I jumped on the bed...I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. I landed on my knees next to Robert, he bounced a little his eyes shot open, "What hapoened??" I leaned on him, "Is it mine?!" he was leaning up on one shoulder squinting at me, his voice was gruff and hoarse..he looked confused..whatever, it was time for him to wake up anyways, I was getting tired of being alone. "Is what yours? Why did you wake me up?!" I probably looked crazy but I was to excited to notice. I bounced up and down shaking his arm, "The drumset in the basement!!" he sighed and layed back down, "That's why you woke me up? Do you have any idea how tired I am!" "It's one in the afternoon you bum!" he sighed and ran a hand over his face, "Yes..it's yours...it was supposed to be your graduation present from highschool...but things didn't go as planned and I forgot about it." My jaw dropped, "You mean to tell me it's just been sitting down there forgotten about for four years?" he turned over on his side and brought up the covers, "Yep." he mumbled. I was just sitting there staring at him..."Can...I play with it." "No." he grumbled, I layed ontop of him, "Come on wake up!!!" I knew Robert was never a morning person unless he had his coffee and I was probably pushing his buttons but I didn't care, he kept his eyes closed, "No I'm sleepys." he whined, "You can't sleep the whole afternoon!" he let out a deep breath, "Five more minutes." I sighed and sat back on my side of the bed, "In five minutes that ass better be up movin."

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