|No More|

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I didn't think it would be that easy to find out where she was, Josh told me right away, and I was already in my car so I just drove right over to Chili's. As I walked in the greeter by the front door asked me how many where going to be seated so she can get me a table, I waved her off and walked around looking for Amanda's table. To be honest, I was ticked with the way Amanda spoke to me earlier, she threw all the sincereity I ever gave to her right back in my face, but what really jabbed me was that she didn't give me a solid 'no' on James and his request...like do you seriously expect me to sit around for that?

Amanda has a good reason to be mad...if it were me who witnessed what she did I have no doubt in my mind that I would have beat whoever it was to a pulp, but I am not exactly all smiles and happiness right now either...this time she was gonna have to meet me halfway.

As I walked down the rows, I caught Amanda's wandering eyes..there was a mixture of frustration and annoyance on her face, she was looking for me. I walked right up to the booth and acted as if I was completely over joyed to see Ivy and Josh. I have no doubt in my mind that Amanda told them everything that had just happened but I didn't give a damn.

"Hey everyone, hope you didn't order yet!" I grinned as Josh and Ivy smiled awkwardly at me and shook their heads. I looked down at Olivia who sat in Josh's lap, she smiled at me and I waved at her. I looked down to the side to see Amanda sitting in her side of the both looking at her palms flat out on the table, she was not happy to see me at all.

Without saying a word I sat on the seat next to Amanda lightly scooting her over, she was agitated and let a low sigh as she moved all the way to the end of the bench aginst the wall. Josh and Ivy couldn't have looked more out of place, they exchanged awkward glances as I sighed and sat back, Amanda was about to speak when I saw Chris and Emily walk up to us..they smiled and greeted everyone, Chris's smile dropped as he looked at the big space between Amanda and I, her lips pressed into a hard line. Chris was always protective of her..even though he once liked her it seemed now that he was in a relationship and realized that Amanda didn't exactly want him that way, he was more like a big brother...which I really thought was good since Amanda had lost the only brother she ever had.

"I'm going to the little boys room." I said while getting up allowing Chris to take my seat if he wanted.

I was suprised to see Amanda leaning against the wall right outside the men's room with her arms crossed over her chest, "Where's my stuff?"

"In the car." I answered simply.

She put out her hand, "Keys." I always loved Amanda for the nerves she had.

I chuckled and shook my head, "I don't think so honey." Her arms dropped to her side and she glared at me. "Robert quiet fucking with me, just give me the keys, let me get my shit, and we can move on with our lifes." I closed the space in between us, "Do you really think it's that simple?" she looked at me emotionless, "No, but do you know what should be simple?" "What?" "Your explanation as to why you didn't push Marilyn off you." I rubbed my forehead, "I already told you I'm sorry...I just...when you were gone, Marilyn was an emotional outlet for me..you left me alone Amanda, you stopped texting me and calling, you completely cut me out of your life when you and James started dating, you crushed me in that airport the day you left and left me to pick up the pieces all by myself.. but Marilyn, she listened to me and comforted me, and when I was upset about James calling you she immidietly noticed that I wasn't okay and comforted me as always...she leaned into kiss me, I knew it was wrong thats why I didn't bother to kiss her back, I should have pushed her away..I guess I just liked the feeling of being comforted, but I apologize and it will never happen again, I have no feelings for her. I don't want us to break up...but..." she was listening to every word I said, "But what?" "No more James." Her face changed from curiosity to anger, "Robert you don't fucking understand, you will never understand!" she threw her hands up in the air, I caught her wrist and held them towards me, "What don't I understand? That you love him? That you still want him after he fucked you over?" "No you idiot." "Then what the hell is it?!" I man walked into the bathroom behind me and gave us a weird look, I glared at him and pulled Amanda into the womens bathroom, "Is anyone in here?" I shouted. There was no reply, I locked the door and turned to Amanda standing with her back against the sink, "James..did screw me over in the end, I trusted him and he abused it, we damaged eachother with drugs, but we both made it out okay. He realizes his mistakes, it may be hard for you to understand but when I was over there, when I was depressed about Charlie and even wanted to kill myself, James was my bestfriend, eachtime I drank my self into a black out he was there to nurse me the next morning from my hangover. We got ourselves into some shit we shouldn't have ever touched, but James was my rock in California..we did everything together Robert, four years of being with the same person everyday, talking to them, going places with them, he watched me grow and I watched him grow. I just want to meet up with him Friday, it'll be a quick bite to eat we will talk and that will be all...you can even join us if you want." That was where I drew the line, "Everything you just said...I can understand, you moved to a whole new state and started college, you were alone and sad he was your bestfriend you two have alot of memories blah blah blah, but he doesn't respect me and I don't respect him, so I'll pass on that little offer of yours."

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