|Double Trouble|

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"Don't forget, your essay on literature, writing, history, art- all that good stuff and how it all ties into humanities is due tomorrow!!" I yelled as the final bell rang.

I could hear my students groan in unison as they walked out the door.

Ah, their enthusiasm is refreshing.

I got my things together quickly, Amanda was waiting for me at the docotors office, today is already our fifth ultrasound, the months are passing by quickly and hopefully we get some updates on Czar.



I flipped through the same magazine for the third time while waiting for Robert to get here and for my name to be called. I was actually starting to feel pregnant, my baby bump has gotten pretty big and pretty fast at that too, and my ankles are definetly feeling this extra weight.

I smiled to myself remembering picking out a room for Czar and painting it last week, well more like Robert painting it.

"Amanda I'm not going to tell you again!"

"But what's the big deal!? I'll wear a mask!"

He stepped down from the ladder and put down the paint brush, walking over to me and slowly pushing me out of the room.

"You can't inhale this stuff, it's to strong, it'll hurt Czar."

"Why didn't you buy the non toxic paints or whatever?"

"I don't know I wasn't thinking of that."

I stuck out my lower lip, "But I want to help decorate his room too."

"I know baby, but it's dangerous. Next time!"

I rolled my eyes, "Yea that's if there even is a next time."

He grabbed the door to the room, "Oh there will be, we are going to make a town of kids."

"Yea, no."

I could hear him chuckle as he shut the door again.

I was about to call him, when I noticed him take the seat next to me.

"Hi." he chirped, leaning over and pecking me.

"How was work?"

I smiled as he interlaced our fingers on his lap.

"Slow, but then again Fridays always drag."

"DeAngelo." A nurse called from the doorway.

We followed the nurse to our room, "I'm Nurse Ana, I'll be doing your ultrasound today, you can go ahead and sit back."

Robert helped me onto the recliner as the nurse adjusted the monitors and machine.

I watched as she rubbed the cold gel on my belly, "You're five months along?"

I smiled, "Yes."

"Is this your first?"

Robert and I looked at eachother and smiled, "Yes."

"It's thrilling isn't it? I have five boys."

"Yea very, we are always wondering who he's going to look like, what he'll be like, how the birth will go. It's all pretty new to us. Was it difficult the first time?"

"With my first born I did struggle a bit, there are going to be many sleepless nights and trust me you will never be fully prepared for the mess they can leave in their diapers. I have five and I still am not use to it. But it's difficulty that everyone goes through the first time around, you'll both get through it just fine." she gave me a reassuring smile.

"Alright so here's little-"

She looked at us to answer, "Czargon." I finished.

"That's quite a name, very unique. "

"Thanks he came up with it."

she looked at Rob and he grinned.

"Alrighty, so here is little Czargon, his weight is healthy, he's growin at a perfect pace."

I could see his body move up and down with each breath he inhaled and exhaled, everytime I see him I literally feel pure happiness.

"Hm that's odd..." She squinted at the monitor screen.


The nurse zoomed in on the screen, I couldn't see what she was seeing.

"Both of his feet are right there."

she pointed to the screen.

"I can't identify what this is."

She said whild pointing at something poking inbetween behind his feet.

"Is it dangerous? Is he okay??"

I could feel my heart beat picking up.

"Let me get another nurse in here to see if they has any idea."

Robert nodded and she went, I was really starting to freakout, "What else could be there other than Czar!? What if he's in danger??"

Robert squeezed my hand and kissed my forehead, "Don't think like that, the nurses will figure it out, everything is fine, look at him, she said he's healthy, it's okay."

The nurse came back with a male nurse, she explained to him that she couldn't tell what it was.

"Can I suggest that you lay on your side, it might move things around and change the position."

I re-positioned myself, laying on my side was so uncomfortable but it wasn't for long.

The nurse moved the probe over the gelled area again, the image on the monitor was different now.

"Oh my..." The female nurse said while pointing at something I couldn't make out. She looked up at the male nurse and he chuckled.

"Well I can't say this doesn't happen often, Ms. DeAngelo.. you are having twins. "

I could immiedietly feel my hand being sqieezed by Roberts, I mean it was a death grip..

And I swear I must be hearing things.

"Sorry, can you repeat that?"

"You are hav-"

"Tw-twins?" Robert sputtered out.

I looked at him and he literally was pale as snow, his face was flushed.

"Twins, we are having two babies..." I could see his adam's apple bob up and down.

"How? I mean- we just..."

I couldn't even speak, I looked at Robert but he couldn't form a sentence.

The nurses were still looking at the screen. "And from the looks of it, they are fraternal, a boy and a girl."

"I-I think I'm going to pass out."

Robert mumbled.


Czargon Charles Downey & ??? :).


ples and thanks.

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