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     Robert's POV RECAP: 

   She stayed quiet... "Who is she going to live with now that her other mom is gone?"  "Me...her grandparents are signing her over to me because they know they are to old to take care of her." "Does Grace even want to be with you?" "Yes..that's why she reached out to me." "But you're not even married?" "I don't care. Grace is our daughter and she's going to live with me now, I'm going to be the mother I should have been..and you need to meet her Robert." "I know I do..I just have alot going on right now at the moment..."  "Why cus your girlfriends pregnant?" she said it with so much spite. "Yes and not only that but I was going to propose to her soon, you picked a bad piece of timing to lay your mistake on me." that shut her up. "I'll call you tomorrow when I have an answer."  "Okay" she mumbled..I hung up and tossed my phone on the box infront of me...

What am I going to do?


  Today was the longest day of school ever, and I only had two classes! I have an essay due by 6p

m. tomorrow night, I have to send it to my professor, I have to write about a film style that caught my attention or that I idolize.  but it has to be arugmentative? I don't know Maybe Robert can help me with it.

I parked in our driveway and opened the door to walk into our foyer...it's so big, I never thought I would live in a house like this, it's beautiful. I walked into the living room to see the sofa in the middle of the room surrounded and cluttered with boxes and tables...we still have alot of unpacking and organzing to do. Robert was sitting there fast asleep...'aw poor baby, he's been working hard trying to get all his things in the house.'

I walked over and sat next to him. I brought my lips to his ear and blew in it, he stirred a bit and shifted his body away.. I leaned over and planted kisses on his neck just underneath his stubble..waking him up, he yawned and looked at me. "Hey." he smiled and rubbed the pad of his thumb across my cheek, "Hi." his sleepy voice is so hot... "Is this everything?" I glanced around the room.. "Yup. Just have to unpack everything." I smiled, "Maybe I just have to unpack you." I said while kissing his cheek, I could feel the rumble in his chest as he chuckled, "That was just..."  "Shutup!" I smiled and kissed him again, I sort of feel bad we haven't had sex in a couple days, he's so patient though.. bless him. He turned his head to kiss me back, I placed my hand against his chest and ran it slowly down over his abs to his groin, I could feel him growing in his pants already.. "Amanda, baby stop I need to talk to you.." he whispered.


"About?" I said while rubbing against his bulge, he moaned before grabbing my hand and stopping me, "I can't concentrate when you do that." I grinned but quickly realized by the look in his eyes that something was wrong.. I gulped, "What is it?" he held on to my hand and looked at our fingers interlaced, "Just know that I don't know how true this is and I had no idea..But I'm gonna make it short and simple." ... "Robert you're scaring me.." He took a deep breath and looked at me..

"I have a daughter...she's 13 years old."


With who?

How could he not have known?

That doesn't even make sense.

"Are..are you messing with me right now? Because if you are it's not fucking funny." he shook his head silently. "With who?"



"I thought you said she was infertile...you..you told me she couldn't have kids?" I rushed out. He squeezed my hand, "She called me earlier when I was in the middle of moving things..she had a bitch fit about how she's been trying to get in contact with me and I never told her about moving away..then she told me that we have a daughter. I hung up on her and called her back

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