|Bun In The Oven|

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The phone was about to slip out of my hand, I froze.

'I'm pregnant. This shit is legit...I took the blood test. I'm having a baby, I'm going to be a mom, and Robert is going to be a father, and we are going to have a family..together. There is no going back now.'

"Ms. DeAngelo?" "Oh sorry yes?" "I asked if you'd like to set up an appointment for an ultra sound?" "Oh uhm yea yes.."..."Okay...and which day would suit you?" "Oh! uhm I don't..wait..can I just call you back?" I was totally out of it, I looked at Robert, he was beaming with anticipation. "Yes." "Thank you." I hung up and looked at Robert. "Well what did they say?!".."She asked me when I want my first ultra sound.." His face dropped, and it felt like someone just switched on a totally serious moment..'Oh no...what if he's mad? He didn't want to have a family..look at his face..my heart just dropped and he hasn't even said anything yet. "Are you..upset about it? Like, do you regret it...I'm sorry." I whispered. He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, "Amanda, I love you." When he said that it felt different from the other times he said 'I love you'..I know he always ment it but I guess considering the situation it felt, deeper? "Are you upset?" he asked nervously. "No...I'm suprised...I-I'm thrilled, right now you can't tell cus I'm in shock, but..all these things are just fluttering around in my mind, it's like a rush of curiosity..I'm happy." I was suprised at myself to be honest.

He scooted over pulling me on to his lap wrapping his arms around me, "I've waited so long for this, to know that you and I are both on the same boat with this makes me the happiest man alive." He buried his face into the crook of my neck, we sat there for a couple minutes just embracing eachother. He kissed my forehead and smiled, "So what else did the nurse say?" "That was all she asked.." He layed back and sighed, "This is so exciting." I looked at him..he looked truely happy, like he was glowing..he has wanted to be a dad for so long and I'm just glad I'm apart of it.

"I don't have classes on Fridays....so I was thinking I'll just schedule it for then." "That's fine, make it for 3:00 p.m." I gave him a look, "Robert we scheduled todays appointment for 3 and you barerly made it." "Hm true, okay make it for 3:30." "I bet you'll be late still." "oh?" "Yep you're always late." he sat up, "What have I been late to? I'm never late! Other people just get to things to early." "Oh really? What about prom?" "Just make the appointment.." he mumbled, I started laughing, he knows I'm right. After I called and made the appointment I went back to helping him with his lesson plans.

It was already 8. "I think I should get going." "What time is your first class tomorrow?" "12." "Awe please stay, I hate sleeping here alone.." he was giving me the puppy eyes, "Stop it." "Stop what?" "Giving me those eyes." "Oh I'm sorry let me just remove them for you." I started laughing and stood up, "Come lock the door babe" "Nope, I refuse." he layed his head down and closed his eyes, "I have to go!" "I can take you in the morning." "No because you have to get up way earlier then me." "Well maybe you shouldn't sleep in till like five in the afternoon, I swear if it weren't for me you would sleep your life away missy." "Lies!" "Who's always up earlier?" "Well......you...but that's not fair you wake up so early you're like a damn farmer." He chuckled, "It takes the jaws of life to wake you up, your like a bear." I paused.."Did you just call me fat?" he rolled his eyes, "Shutup and lie down with me" he patted the spot next to him..maybe I can stay for just another hour.

"I swear eachtime just gets better and better babe." he mumbled as we both tried to regain our breath. We were naked, he kissed my shoulder...I knew this would happen. I knew he would find some way to seduce me. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and looked at the time, '10:30p.m.' "See I told you we shouldn't have done it, I need to go!" he wrapped his arm around my waist keeping me close to his bare chest, "But you enjoyed it as much as I did. Come on I promise I won't even wake you up, I'll just carry you to the car and to your dorm while you sleep. You don't even have to wake up or use your legs. I will be your legs, Wow...I wish someone wou-" he was rambling. "OK! I'll stay, jesus." He beamed with victory and drew circles on my hip with the tip of his finger, "Honey." I turned and looked into his adoring eyes, giving him my attention. "I'm going to see a realtor on Saturday." "Oh really? Well that's good babe you can't stay in this hotel forever...even though it is very nice. Are you going to get a house like your last one or an apartment?" he leaned on one shoulder and looked down at me, "No, I want a bigger house, a two-story single family home." I raised a brow, "Wow those are pretty spacious...well I mean the ones over here are. I don't think you need all that room though babe." He chuckled and shook his head, "I don't think you understand." he rubbed the pad of his thumb across my cheek softly.. "I want you to move in with me."

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