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The next day just as I expected, Chloe was not in class.

Eventually she did show up, and I had talked to the principle about having her switched to the other drama and humanity's class, I didn't want to give her a bad reputation or anything so I simply told them that we didn't click as a student and teacher and it was essentially effecting her education in my class.

Perhaps I should have told them the real reason?

However Chloe was switched out of my class the Monday following the new week.

It's mean to say but my classes were a bit more easy and fun, Chloe was very sardonic and her attitude sort of loomed around whatever environment she was in.

I guess I made the right decision getting her out of here.

We didn't speak or even make eye contact in the hallways which I was glad of. I never wanted to mention or think about that little stunt, seriously what the hell was she thinking?

As we were in the middle of May, Amanda was chosen as one of the interns along with a classmate of hers for Paramount Pictures, I couldn't be more proud of her. She stayed up late which I know was difficult with the babies taking her energy, all to finish her final project.

As a celebration I took her out to dinner with Alice and her boyfriend. It was a nice swanky place, but the night had to end early because tomorrow was her last day of finals.

Amanda's POV

My final final was probably the hardest test I had ever taken, I'm not sure if it's because I was more tired and achy then usual or because of the fact the babies would not stopping and kicking. I was extremely uncomfortable and all I dreamed of was laying down somewhere at this point. I was one if the few to finish my test early though, I handed it in to my Professor, he smiled and shook my hand, "Very well Ms. DeAngelo, I shall see you at your graduation."

I smiled, thanking him for a great semester and made my way out of class, through campus and to my car.

Well now what was I supposed to do?

My internship wasn't starting until late July with Paramount which I was ecstatic about.

The house was clean, and Robert was at work.

I decided to wait until Alice had finished her final so that we could go out for some tea or something.

She was majoring in Neuroscience, she still had a couple years left of Uni if she wanted to get a well paying job.

We drove in desperate cars and met up at 'Cafe Cafe!'

I ordered tea with a croissant,even though I surprisingly wasn't hungry. Odd.

"So how was your final."

I sighed, I could not focus, I was so uncomfortable, the babies are going nuts today, if anything my lowest score was a C... Hopefully."

"Don't worry you got the internship already." She winked like a dork.

"I know I know but I wanted to finish off strong you know?"

"Yea, we'll be glad that you're done."

"Ooh right seven more years for you."

"Kill me."

We caught up a bit, lately I had been focusing so much on Robert and getting everything ready for the babies that I hadn't really had time to talk to my friends. I did tell everyone Robert proposed and how he did it.

And all the reactions were the same, "Awww oh my god he so perfect, you're so lucky, bla bla bla."

There's no doubt that I am lucky though.

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