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The next day I had a clear schedule, so I dedicated the day to writing my film paper...not really. Robert served as no help since he ofcoarse had to work..I totally forgot. So I was on my own.

I really tried to get something typed down but I was having the worst brain fart, and what's better to do when you can't concentrate on school work? Irrelevant shit! I started unpacking everything because honestly I couldn't stand seeing our house like thise with these boxes everywhere...I just wanted everything organized and set up already.

By the afternoon, I had already finished the kitchen and most of the livving room, I just needed to hang up some pictures and stuff, I couldn't move the flatscreen because it's heavy and it's Robert's and if I drop it he'll kill me, so I just figured I'd wait for him to get home for that. I did manage to push the sofa against a wall so that I could stand on the arm rest and hang up a wall decoration, the hammering was going smoothly until he came home.

  "What the hell are you doing?!"

I flinched nearly dropping the hammer , Robert nearly scared me out of my fucking skin. He rushed over and extended his hands, "Come on, get down."

"You scared the shit out of me! You could of made me fall!"  "You could of made yourself fall! Down now!" "But I'm almost done!" I whined, "Amanda, not only should you not be hammering stuff but you shouldn't be balancing yourself and our baby on the arm rest of a goddamn sofa!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand while stepping down, "Why couldn't you just wait for me to get home?" I looked at the hammer in my hands, "I just thought I could get some stuff done...which I did, do you not see the other things I hung up." I glanced up at him to see a blank face, he took the hammer from me and walked away, "How did you even get in so quietly? You know I could have fallen because you scared me NOT because of hammering. You should be more considerate babe." I teased as I followed him up the stairs to the bedroom watching him chuckle and shake his head. I gazed as he took of his blazer and unbuttoned his checkered dress shirt, he sat down shirtless on our bed and glanced at my laptop screen.

oh crap.

I was in the process of turning around to rush away, "Amanda, come here." I sighed and sat down on the bed, "Your essay is due at six tonight, correct?" I layed down with my hands over my stomach and nodded. "Ok..honey you don't even have your intro completed, it's 3:30." I sighed, "I know...I needed your help but you weren't here. So I decided to do other stuff." "Like nearly kill yourself?" "And here's that exageration." "This is more important Amanda. You weren't even supposed to be doing what you were doing."  I didn't say anything, I just stared at the ceiling. He got up and changed his clothes and left the room with my laptop in his hands..I already knew to follow him. He grabbed his work bag and set it on the dining room table with my laptop, he pulled out a chair and motioned for me to sit down and he sat down next to me. I watched as he pulled out notebooks, worksheets and a red pen from his bag.. damn he has alot of work to grade. He pointed at my computer screen, "Watching me won't get your paper done." I sighed..the downside of dating your teacher..or 'former' teacher.

With many proof reads and eye rolls from Robert, I finally finished. And I was more than sure that I'd be getting a B at worst. I sumbitted it to my Professor just shy of 6:00pm. By this time Robert had finished grading ages ago.

"How do you do it?" I peared up at Robert as we cuddle on the sofa. "Do what?"  "Grade so quickly...I saw all that work you had to do." "Years of experience...and I know how my students write by now, so I can easily tell when their bullshitting me..and when they do, I don't even bother to finish grading their assignment, I can tell usually by the first couple words." We sat in comfortable silence for a bit.

"I know this is our first couple day in the new house and all...but I was thinking about getting a ticket to fly out to New York Friday night and come back Sunday night, since there's no classes Monday." "Oh you don't work Monday.. how come?" he shrugged, "I don't know it's some weird spirit week thing the school does." "It's fine, it'd be good for you to go this weekend, then you can rest on Monday. I don't mind really." I sat up straight so that we were eye level, he kept his hand on my baby bump.. "I don't want to leave you here alone."

I'm an adult.

"It's fine, I'll probably be with Alice most of the time anyway." he smiled and I went back to resting on him. "Amanda, if your upset about anything or unhappy...I want you to tell me, I don't want you to hide it. You deserve to feel mad." he sounded so sweet. "I know, and trust me if you knew about it then I'd be more than mad at you. But you had no clue, the only one who knew anything was Liliann. I'm glad you're going to meet your daughter it'll be good for both of you and as for Liliann, I don't really give a shit about what's good for her. At first I didn't have as much of a problem with her since she's just your ex wife but she's just a heartless bitch now. She had eight years to tell you and she didn't." .. "I know...and believe me I was boiling when she told me. I'm just not really going to pay much attention to her..I'm going over there just to meet and spend a little time with Grace, I really don't even want to look at Liliann." There was a long pause, "Are you excited to meet her?" I watched his lips curve into a lazy smile. "Actually I am, I know it'll probably be awkward and she's probably confused...and through the anger and hate I feel for Liliann and this whole situation I can't help but wonder what she looks like, what she sounds like, her favorite foods, what does she like to do, just her in general. Y'know it's like there's apart of me that has been out there for 13 years that I had no knowledge about, it's mind blowing."  I totally understand him... at that moment the baby started kicking right underneath his hand. The look on his face was a look I've never seen before..he looked shocked and proud all at once. He leaned down and kissed my stomach, "I can't wait for you to get here." he mumbled, I couldn't but smile down at the sight infront of me. "Oh! Speaking of babies getting here, I've thought of a name....that I really like. I was brainstorming during my lunchbreak today for diffferent meanings and words and I thought of one that is perfect for him."

His giddyness was enough for the both of us.

"Okaaay, what is it?"

"Czargon..Czar for short."


Im sure I gave him the craziest look. He raised an excited brow, "Well what do you think?"

"Um...I don't...what does it stand for? It sounds a bit.. um different."

"Czar stands for leader, or king..basically someone strong and dependable and Czargon just sounds nice as a whole."

I thought it for a second and looked down at my stomach. "Czargon....Czargon Downey...Czargon Charles Downey." I could feel him move when I said it, I looked to Robert and he nodded.

"I know it's different, it's unique and that's why I like it, our son will be special..hence the nameeeee." he cooed.

I smiled at his words.. "Okay..Czargon it is. It's growing on me, I like it." he leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

If we're doing this great now, I can't wait to see what we're like as a family together.


What do you guys think of little Czar's name? :)


I'm really glad with how the stories going. Thank you all for your comments I'm glad so many of my readers stuck with me and I loled so hard at your comments on Amanda not killing him.

please & thank you c:
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