|Mr. Downey|

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Last night I had to come back to the hotel, I wish I could have stayed with Amanda but today is my first day at the new high school and all my stuff is over here.

I'm a bit nervous about Amanda's doctor appointment tomorrow, I don't want her to think that this is anything like last time because it's not, I didn't try to make it happen intentionally, it's just I honestly thought she was on birth control already and most of the times we've had sex I didn't even have a condom with me...but regardless of what happens, I'm going to make the best of it.

I drank the last of my coffee before heading out to my rental car..sometime this week I'm going to find a Realtor so that I can get a house over here and stop living in this suite, I mean 'The Westin' is nice and all...but I don't want to make this a permanent place, and I'm planning on asking Amanda to move in with me once she graduates, I want her to look at the houses with me...I think by the time she graduates she'll be ready for that step, or atleast I hope.

I went to the Principle's office and he gave me the key to my classroom and told me that if I need help or anything then to just call him on the intercom or whatever, but I highly doubt that will be necessary.

"Hello I'm Mr. Downey, as you can see I'm your new drama teacher."  

I wrote out my name on the white board. "You probably know why you were all randomly switched from your other drama classes but if you don't I'll enlighten you." I moved over and sat on the edge of my desk, "Your school was short of drama classes, that's why there were classrooms of up to 50-60 students and well that's just not acceptable, so then you know I was hired and  you were put with me, any questions."

A girl with light green hair and blue bangs raised her hand, "Uhm yea, what if we want to go back to our old drama class." "Well why would you want to do that." The girl looked around uncomfortablly, "Not that I don't want you as a teacher or anything... but I don't know anyone in this class, all my friends are in the other class." When she said that some other kids nodded along with her, they looked pissed..well it's not my fuckin fault they were randomly picked fron the course. "Well I apologize for the inconveniance but I don't think the principal will switch you back, then again I don't really know the man..you can go for it, buuuut based on what he told me about the classes being so packed, I doubt he will switch you. Anymore complaints?" I asked while looking around the classroom.

"Great!" I clapped my hands and stood up, "I know we are four months into the school year, but this is a new class, you are all new to eachother as I am to you...so why don't we just play the 'name' game' today and tomorrow we can get going on school stuff?" they all agreed. God help me...I'm horrible with names.

I sat on my desk, "Alright I pick on someone, you stand or sit I don't care, you tell me your name and if you want you can ask me one question, and if you do I will most likely ask you a question back..and after I've called on everyone I have to recite your names back  in order, sound good?" The guys rolled their eyes, and the girls got a bit giddy.

"You." I pointed to the girl with green hair and blue bangs.

"My names Alyssa, where did you come from?" Well that's easy, "My mom." Everyone started laughing including her, "Where did you come from?" "My mom too." "Wow, we are sooo alike." She started laughing harder and I moved on to the kid next to her, "You." "Names Dylan." I nodded and kept going down the rows.

This game is tedious but I need to learn their names. I was on my last three students. "Alright your turn blondie." she giggled, "My names Jennifer, how old are you?" "44." I caught most of the girls suprised glances at eachother along with Jennifer's, "You don't even look like your 40...." "Yea well thank my parents I guess, next person." "My names Serena, Are you married?"  Why do they care? "Nope." the girl behind her all the way in the back scoffed, "He's probably some player." "I have a girlfriend." They both looked at me and I could see a frown on some of the girls faces, "How long have you been together?" "Well Serena, I'm pretty sure I said that everyone gets one question." she rolled her eyes, "But I'll answer this one...it's a complicated story that's all you kiddies are getting out of me." "Aw come one Mr. Downey we have a lot of time left!" "Yea I bet it's a cute love story." I couldn't stop myself from laughing, "Not exactly." "Come on pleaseeeeee." The whining was unbearable, and then the gay kid Jackson spoke up, "He's probably lying." I chuckled and pulled out my wallet, "Then why would I have a picture of this 'random' girl in my wallet?" I flashed them all a picture of Amanda that I always keep in my wallet. "Dude she's hot." I heard some guy mumble to his friend. "Cus you don't want us to think you're a player." the girl behind Serena spoke up again with a smirk. Who the fuck is this girl? People kept whining, I hate whining. "OKAY!! Relax about it, I'll tell you!" All the girls sat forward giving me their attention, "Amanda and I met, four years ago we were together for a couple months, somethings happened, she moved here, we got reconnected and I moved over here from New York to be with her." "Oh my god that is so cuteee!" "I thought you said you came from your mom?" Alyssa giggled, "Well I did like 44 years ago..then came New York." she started laughing. All the girls were still 'Awing' and I rolled my eyes, "Now, I don't think a 'player' would move across the country for his girlfriend?" I glanced at the girl in the back, "No but an idiot would." she retorted....she probably got her heart broken by some asshole and now is in that whole 'All men are the same' stage.

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