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Lauren Jauregui was seen at another party last night. She was also caught with a number of girls, but only one girl caught our eye. A new girl was seen getting close and personal with the pop star.
Is this just another one night stand, or is it something more?

Lauren's P.O.V

"So who's party is this again?" I say shouting over the music.

"It's Ally Brooke's party. She's celebrating some award that she won." Dinah says in my ear.

"Oh ok." I say taking a sip of the alcohol.

"So, are you going to try and get lucky?" Dinah asked me and I smile.

"Of course. It's not a party if there is no after party in the bedroom after." I say and Dinah just laughs walking towards the dance floor.

You all probably think that I'm some kind of slut or whatever, you can think whatever you want, I don't give two fucks.
I'm 19 years old. I need to have fun, and that's exactly what I'm doing.
My management keeps nagging me to find someone and settle down. I'm still young, there's no reason to go looking for someone to marry just yet. To be honest I don't think I will ever settle down. I don't ever want to. I'll much rather hook up with random people, that way there is no drama or heart ache.

I start searching the room to see if I can see anyone that looks like a good fuck, but no one does. I haven't really got a type, I just like if they look innocent but sexy at the same time.
I go to walk out of the building to go for a smoke, but I bump into someone.

"Watch where you're goi-" I say but suddenly become at a loss for words when I see the person who I bumped into.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to." She says and let me just say that her voice screams sex.

"It's no problem." I say exhaling a breath that I never knew I was holding.
I quickly straighten myself up and look her in the eyes. My eyes quickly flicker down to her lips. Fuck they look so kissable.

"I'm Lauren." I say holding out my hand for her to shake but she never does.

"I know." She says trying to walk past me but I quickly grab onto her arm.

"Wait." I say. "What's your name."

"You don't need to know."

"And why not?" I question.

"Because all you want is for someone to fuck. You'll forget my name by tomorrow and then you'll leave me just like you leave every other girl that you fuck." Damn she knows me well.

"You're different." I say and she just laughs in my face stepping closer to me.

"How am I?" She asked. "Because I'm not already stripping for you?"

"At least give me your number." I say and she whispers in my ear.

"Not a chance Jauregui." With that she was gone. I need to know her.

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