Moving on.

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Lauren Jauregui confirms that she is pregnant with Zayn Malik's child. Lauren told us that she is 2 months gone and her and Zayn are extremely excited to be parents. Lauren told us that hers and Zayn's family are very supportive of this and so are their friends. After talking to us Lauren was seen out with ex girlfriend, Camila Cabello. We managed to get a photo of the two *Picture attached
We must say that we are very happy that they are still friends and hopefully they remain friends.
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"Have you spoken to the interview people yet?" Zayn asks before wrapping his arms behind me and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Yep. I just got off the phone to them now." I say.

"I'm really happy that you're pregnant."

"Why?" I question before getting out of his grip and looking at him.

"Because I've wanted to be a Dad for a while and I'm glad it's with you. I couldn't imagine someone better to be carrying my child." He's so sweet.

"I'm glad I'm carrying our baby too." I say before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his lips.

"How has Camila taken it?" He asked and it slightly suprised me.

"She took it well. She's happy for us." I say because that's what she told me. Even though I know that it isn't true.

"Good. I don't want you and her falling out again." He says before kissing my lips again.

"Why do you care so much about mine and Camila's friendship?" I asked because I've been curious about it for quite a while now.

"I was your friend when you and her were together. I was also your friend when you and her broke up. I know how much it killed you when that happened. I also know that you can't just stop caring about someone. I think it's important for you and Camila to still he friends because I know that she generally cares about you. When you have friends like that, you shouldn't let them go."

"Talking from the heart there huh?" I say trying to turn this conversation into a joke.

"Yeah I am. I let some of the best people I had ever met just walk out of my life and I regret it to this day." He admits.

"Do you mind if I go and see Camila?" I asked him.

"You don't have to ask me to do anything Lauren." He says before letting me go so I could move.

"I'll see you tonight." I say before giving him one last kiss and leaving him. I start my car up and start making my way to Camila's but I see her walking on the side way. I honk my horn making her jump slightly. I slow the car down so she can get in, but instead she just keeps walking. I pull my car over and get out of it.

"Camz." I shout making her turn my way.

"What Lauren?" She says stopping.

"I was on my way to your house."

"Why?" She asked and I could tell that she was in a mood.

"I just wanted to talk. Now come with me." I say before grabbing her hand and walking over to a park.

"Aren't we a little old to be playing at a park?" She asked. I ignore her moodiness and take her to an old shed.

"I always use to come in here when I was upset." I say before lifting up the plant pot and getting the key to open the door.
Once I open it, it looks exactly like it used to.

"It smells." She simply says.

"Well good thing I brought perfume then isn't it." I say before reaching intl my bag and grabbing the bottle of perfume out. I sat down on the old bed that was at the corner of the room. I patted the space beside me and Camila came and sat down.
I turned so that I was facing her.

"So why are you annoyed?" I asked.

"I'm not!" She defensively says.

"Ok,if you say so. So how are you?" I asked.

"Actually you know what I am annoyed." She says before turning to face me all the way.
"I had to find out you were pregnant from magazine article. You told me to move on and when I try you get jelous and ruin it. On your birthday you fucked me in the toilets and then the next day you went on a date with Zayn. We broke up because I cheated on you, but you've done the exact same thing the Zayn. " She shouts before standing up so she's not next to me anymore.

"That's different." I quietly say.

"How is it? When we were together I kissed someone when I was drunk. Your with Zayn and you didn't have one drink, but you still fucked me. Actually, I guess your right, It is different. I just kissed Hailee, I didn't fuck her but you did it all. So tell me how it's different." She shouts but this time louder.

"Because I love you!" This time I was now shouting too.
"You never loved Hailee but you loved me. I love you so much and I don't want to loose you, even if I am in a relationship. I'll always fucking want you Camz no matter what happens in out lives."

"Well you can't have me anymore Lauren. I'm doing what you told me to do. I'm moving on. Without you." She was about to walk away but I tried to stop her. I placed my hand on her arm but she pushed it away.

I didn't know what to do so I kissed her. She tried pushing me away but immediately relaxed into the kiss. She started moving up backwards until my back hit the bed. Without breaking the kiss she hovered above me and waisted no time in rocking her hips against mine. She disconnected our lips so she could take her top off. She began rocking her hips into mine harder and faster.

"Oh fuck." I moaned.

"Does Zayn make you feel this good?" She asked before slipping her hand up my top and squeezing my left boob.

"N-no. Only you can make me feel like this." I say while looking up at her. She didn't try to hide the smug look that was plastered on her face. Just as she was about to slip her hand into my trousers there was a knock on the shed door.

"I know someone is in here."

Writer's note

Hi guys!
Who do you think is at the door?
What will happen to Camren?
If you have any suggestions for this story please comment below or message me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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