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Lauren Jauregui is in love!!!!!!
Yes that is right. A fan tweeted Lauren asking if she is in love with Camila and Lauren tweets back saying yes!
So does this mean that Camren is back or are they just friends?
Watch next week for a live interview with the one and only Lauren Jauregui. Hopefully we will get some answers.

"So give me details." Dinah says sitting, or should I say jumping down beside me.

"It was fine." I simply say.

"Cut me the bullshit Jauregui."

"I'm not cutting a bullshit, it was fine." I say about to pick up my phone but she quickly grabs it.
"Why are you so interested about it away?" I asked.

"Because this is the first time you've ever gone to meet the parents. It's a big deal and I want to know everything. I feel like a proud mother so tell me." She says making me laugh.


"So your Lauren?" Camila's Father asked me.

"Yes sir." I say slightly nervous.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?"

"Erm well." I start saying but my nerves get the better of me.
I feel Camila grab my hand and give it a soft squeeze. I look at her and she gives me a small, encouraging smile.

"All what I want to do is make her happy. I want her to be treated how she deserve to be treated. I want to make her laugh so hard and know that I'm the reason for it. I just want her to feel loved." I say and release a breath that I never knew I was holding.
I look to Camila to see her smiling widely at me. Me and Camila got so caught up at looking into each other's eyes that I barley heard what Alejandro said.

"Good answer. All what me and Sinu has ever wanted was for someone to love Camila right. I'm not going to sit here and lie to you. When I found out about you and my daughter dating I was not happy." He says looking intensely at me.
"I didn't like you. Actually let me rephrase that, I didn't like what I heard about you. Every article that I read about you was negative, so I automatically thought they were true. But, in this hour I have learnt not to believe everything that I read. You are a lovely girl with a very kind heart."

"Thank you sir." I say smiling at him.

"Please call me Alejandro." He says smiling back at me. I don't say anything, instead I just nod slightly.

"I will say one thing." I hear Sinu say making my head snap in her direction.
"I do not want you to break my little girl's heart. The other week she cried herself to sleep and I had to lay there listening to her because she wouldn't talk to me."

"Mum!" I hear Camila hiss.

"Not now Karla. As I was saying, I never want to hear the sound of her crying again. If you ever and I mean ever heart my angle again I will br-"

"That's enough Sinu." Alejandro says saving me from this conversation. Everyone is quiet at the table so I decide to respond to what Sinu had recently said.

"I promise I won't." I say making all heads look into my direction.
"I will never intentionally hurt your daughter. A few weeks back something happened and I will admit I was the one to blame I-"

"No you wasn't." I hear Camila say.

"What happened?" Alejandro says.

"This girl called Hailee was flirting with Camila on Twitter-"

"She wasn't flirting with me. She was being friendly." Camila quickly argues back.

"She was flirting." I say looking at Alejandro.
"I didn't like it and my jelously got the better of me."

"Perhaps just talk about things first."
Sinu says.

"We will next time." Camila says.

End of flashback

"Awe my little Lauren is growing up." Dinah says tackling me in a hug.

"Shut up." I say laughing while trying to push her off me.

"Sorry. I just find this all sweet. I never thought you would actually ever settle down. It just suprises me that Camila comes along and everything changes. Your wall and barrier came crashing down and it was weird to watch."

"Is that bad?" I asked sounding insecure.

"Of course not. This is something that you could only ever read about or watch in a movie. The trouble teenage girl settles down after a few weeks. It's incredible." She says and I felt my face burning up from blushing.

"She's just something else." I say.

"I know."

@dinahjane97: Talking about love with this one.
*Picture attached

@AidenJauregui: @dinahjane97 @LaurenJauregui Do you love @camilacabello97

@LaurenJauregui: @AidenJauregui Very much!

@camilacabello97: @LaurenJauregui I love you too <3

Writer's note

Hi guys!
If you have any suggestions for this story please comment below or message me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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