It's not working

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@LaurenJauregui: Last night was fucking insane!!! @justinbieber

@justinbieber: @LaurenJauregui We definitely have to do it again!

@LaurenJauregui: Look at this cute ass picture I got of @justinbieber sleeping :')

@justinbieber: @LaurenJauregui You are dead Jauregui!!!

@LaurenJauregui: @justinbieber You look cute so you don't have to worry about it being a bad picture.

@justinbieber: @LaurenJauregui Your the cute one...

@LaurenJauregui: @justinbieber <3

@biebz_bizzle: @justinbieber Would you marry @LaurenJauregui

@justinbieber: @biebz_bizzle @LaurenJauregui In a heart beat ;)

You may think that I'm being a bitch by doing this, but Camila needs to understand how much it hearts to see the person you like flirting with others. Justin is in on it, he was the one that actually suggested it. I just hope it works. Me and Camila are still together but we're just in a complicated situation at the moment.

@Camrenshipper: @LaurenJauregui I thought you was going to marry Camila?

I saw this tweet and I was going to reply but I know if I did it would just cause another argument between me and Camz.
I go to type in Camila's name when I see a hashtag trending.


I click on it because I'm obviously confused. I never clicked on it because I believed what the trend said, but I was just curious. There were pictures of a tweet that Hailee tweeted me. I clicked on the picture and suddenly felt anger boil up inside of me.

@Haileesteinfeld: @LaurenJauregui
Coz I am fucking your girlfriend and there is nothing you can do about it.

I immediately go onto the Twitter.

@Haileesteinfeld: Guys it was a joke. Chill.

@LaurenJauregui: @Haileesteinfeld The only joke around here is you. Fucking idiot!

I didn't bother looking at my notifications because I knew that they would just be from mine and her fans. I waited on her profile until I saw that she tweeted me back.

@Haileesteinfeld: @LaurenJauregui I was joking ffs. You just need to clam down.

@LaurenJauregui: @Haileesteinfeld You just need to fucking back off.

@Haileesteinfeld: @LaurenJauregui And you need to stop letting your jelously get the better of you.

@LaurenJauregui: @Haileesteinfeld I've got nothing to be jelous of!

I noticed that she never tweeted me back. I then saw that Camila tweeted her.

@camilacabello97: @Haileesteinfeld Please stop.

@Haileesteinfeld: @camilacabello97 Anything for you FRIEND.


Camz: Hi

Camz: You said If I wanted to talk then I should talk to you and not tweet about it.

Camz: That's what I'm trying to do now, but your making it a bit hard.

Lo: I'm not making anything hard. This is all because of you!

Camz: Don't you dare blame this on me! This has nothing to do with me. You got fucking jelous because I have girl friends. Just because I hang out with girls does not mean that I'm fucking them. You don't see me getting shitty with you when you post pictures of you and men.

Camz: I can go out with girls and not end up in bed with them.

Lo: That's quite hard to believe.

Camz: And why is that?

Lo: Well that's how we started. We met and fucked. Your no different from the other girls I've fucked.

Camz: You really thinking that badly of me?

Lo: I'm just being honest.

Lo: And I'm also being honest when I say I don't want to do this anymore.

Camz: What are you saying?

Lo: We're done. I don't want to be with you anymore Camila. Delete my number. Just forget about me.

Lo: I'm sorry.

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