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Before this chapter begins I just want to ask everyone that if you have time to read @MelanieMoreno5 story.

Lauren Jauregui is home with her new born baby. Both her and Jasmine are perfectly fine and we couldn't be happier. Zayn posted the cutest picture of Lauren with hers and Zayn's child to Twitter.
*Picture attached
He captioned the picture "My little Princess."
As soon as he posted the picture the Internet blew up. We have seen nothing but supportive comments for Zayn and Lauren.
Sources close to Lauren has told us that Jasmine wasn't breathing when she was born, but thankfully she is perfectly fine.
We couldn't be more happier to know this. Lauren's family has already posted a bunch of photos of them and Jasmine. Aparently Zayn is on his way to the airport to meet his family.

"And this is will be your bedroom when your slightly older." I say to Jasmine.
"But for now you will be sharing a bedroom with mummy."

I hold Jasmine tightly as we walk the down stairs. I carefully place her on the sofa and sit at the edge.

"I know your a baby and you probably can't understand what I'm saying. It probably just sounds gibberish to you, but I'll keep telling you this until you understand." I say and I feel her small hand wrap itself around my pinky.

"I'll always be here for you, no matter how old you get. I know what it's like to feel like your parents are treating you like a child, even when your an adult, and I can't promise that I won't be one of them parents. I just want to protect you, I don't care if your 20 or 40 I'll always be watching out for you. I never understood why my parents were so protective of me, but I do now.

I know that I'm young and I may make mistakes, but I'll try my hardest to be the best mum that I can to you. I can't promise that I'll be able to do everything right, but I promise to try. I guess that's all that I can do. And that's what I will do. I'll try and try and keep trying until you are 100 percent happy.

I'm not going to lie, but I am scared for when you get older. I don't want you to have your heart broken because even though it's only happened once to me, I know how badly it sucks. I never want to see you upset. The only thing that I want to see is a smile on your face. Your my little Princess and I love you so, so much, I always will.

Now since I've promised you so many things, I want you to promise me something. I want you to promise me that you will always tell me when something is wrong. Promise me that you'll love yourself. Promise me that you'll always treat others equally. Don't ever judge someone by the way they look or the things that you've heard about them. Promise me that you'll never give up when things get hard. Promise me that you'll try your hardest in everything that you do. I don't care if you fail, as long as you try that's all that matters to me. I love you so much my little Princess." I say before kissing her on the forehead.

"Your a great mum already." Camila says making me jump.
"Didn't mean to scare you." She says before walking into the living room.

"You heard all of that?" I asked.

"Yep." She says smiling.
"It was adorable. She lucky to have a mum like you." She says sitting down on the edge of the sofa next to me.
"She looks like you."


"Yes. She has your nose and mouth." She says and I smile.

"She has Zayn's ears." I say.

"She's going to be a real heart breaker." Camila says and I look at her oddly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She has your eyes. Those eyes drive people crazy." She says making me laugh.

"She does have the Jauregui Charm." This time it was Camila that laughed.

"I'm sure she does." Camila says placing her hand on Jasmine's cheek.

I never thought my life could get any better.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
That was the last chapter!!!!!
I just want to say thank you to everyone that has supported me and this story. It means the absolute world to me the amount of support that I've got. It means so much to me when I read such positive comments after I've posted a chapter. This story was never suppose to be as long as it is but I'm glad it is long. I've spoken to such amazing people because of this story and I am forever grateful.
You are all such beautiful people. I love you all!
There will be a sequel, so will you like me to update it today or tomorrow?

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