Meeting the family

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"So please don't say anything embarrassing." I beg my family.

"Lauren calm down. We're not going to say anything that will embarrass you." My Father said.

"Thank you."

"I didn't say I wouldn't though." Chris says smirking at me.

"I swear if you even think about saying any-"

*Knock Knock

"That will be her. Don't just calm down guys." I say rushing towards the door. Before I open it I hear them laugh and I can't help but wondering if they're up to anything. I want this to go perfect
I open the door and I can't help but admire her beauty.

"I never knew the difference between pretty and beautiful before now." I say making her blush.

"I've not even been here for a minute and your already making me blush." She says giggling.

"Come in." I say stepping aside allowing her to enter my house.
"They're just in there. If you want to go home at any moment just tell me. My family can be a bit much at times so I'll understand if you-"

"I'm sure they're not too much for me to handle. I wouldn't go home anyway. I want to get to know your family and I would really like to thank them for making someone as beautiful as you."

"Wow. Now it's my turn to blush." I say making her laugh. I step inside the room with my family in. As soon as they hear me come in they all look in my direction. I slowly grab Camila's hand telling her to come inside the room. As soon as she enters she gives everyone a shy wave and smile. Everyone stands up to give her a hug.

"This is Clara, my Mother."
"This is Mike, my Father."
"This is Taylor, my sister and this is Chris my brother." I say pointing to each of them.

"Your as beautiful as Lauren described you to." My mum says earning a smile from Camila.
"Come and sit down, dinner will be down shortly."

Once we're all seated I start to get nervous because I know my Dad would ask her questions. I mean, Camila is the first girl that I've ever brought home to meet my family, so in a way I totally understand.

"So Camila, where do you work?" My Father asked.

"I work at HMV." Camila says.
"I actually only recently started working there. I used to work at Corinne customers."

"Wow." I Father says obviously impressed.
"Why don't you work there anymore?"

"The place went really bad. Money was a big problem, so eventually they had to close. I lost my job and at the moment no where has any jobs. So, I had to settle for HMV. It's not actually that bad though, so I don't mind it."

"How many people have you dated?"

"Dad!" I say sternly.

"I'm just asking. If she doesn't want to answer then she doesn't have to." He says before looking back at Camila.

"Including Lauren, I've only ever been in a relationship with 3 other people."

"That's good. I just want to say thank you." He says.
"Before you, Laure was always getting into trouble. I honestly never thought that she would settle down. Since meeting you, she has been so happy. That's all that me and Clara ever wants and you make her the happiest I've ever seen her. So thank you."

"There is no need to thank me. Lauren deserves to be treated in the best possible way, and I just hope that I can treat her that way. The only thing that I want to do is make her happy and I hope that I am." She says making me blush like an idiot.

"And you do." I say connecting our lips.

"Alright, enough of that. Dinner is ready." My mum says making both of us laugh into the kiss.

During dinner we didn't really speak. The only things really said was how Camila liked my mums cooking. My mum asked Camila questions and Camila gave impressive answers. The night eventually came to an end and Camila ended up leaving. I was just about to go to my room when Taylor stopped me.

"She's a good one. I like her. Don't mess it up Lauren."

"I wouldn't dream of it." I say before walking into my room.

@LaurenJauregui: Tonight went perfect.

I saw that Camila posted a tweet so liked it.

@camilacabell97: Tonight was a good night

Writer's note

Hi guys!
If you have any suggestions for this story please feel free to message me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night

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